The X-Files’ at Emmy Awards: 8 actors, writers, directors on ballot include David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson …

Fox’s “The X-Files” has officially submitted four performers for consideration at this year’s Emmy Awards. (Visit our forums to view the link to the 2016 Emmy ballot.) Former Emmy nominee David Duchovny and 1997 winner Gillian Anderson make the cut, as do a supporting player and a stand-out guest star. Also submitted: four episodes in the writing/directing races including the much-anticipated Season 10 premiere that aired after a 14-year hiatus.

Lead and supporting performers need only name their chosen episodes that best represent their work if they receive a nomination. However, all guest performers, writers and directors must specify one episode for consideration on the nomination ballot; we provide this information in the photo gallery. Emmy contenders may be entered into competition by many different sources: production companies, TV networks, agents, managers, publicists or the contenders themselves.

If your favorite “The X-Files” stars were not submitted on the ballot, that does not mean those contenders were purposefully shut out of their races. They could’ve entered themselves if they were willing to pay the submission fees, which can cost more than $200, or if they used up one of the free entries they get if they are dues-paying members of the Television Academy. Whenever someone or a TV program is left off of the Emmy ballot, it can be difficult to figure out who is responsible.

Be sure to make your Emmy predictions right here. You’ll compete to win our contest prizes for best picks — $500 (first place), $300 (second place) and $200 (third place) in Amazon gift certificates — a place of honor on our leaderboard and a starring role in next year’s Top 24 Users (the two dozen folks who do the best predicting this year’s Emmy nominations). Be sure to read our contest rules.

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