X-Files creator wants to return series to Vancouver

The creator of the iconic Sci-Fi TV series that helped put Vancouver on the map as ‘Hollywood North’ wants to bring the series back to town.

Chris Carter says he wants wants Vancouver to be the film location for season 11 of the X-Files, after the Emmy award winning show made a return to the small screen this January, after a 13-year hiatus.

“The plan is to come back to Vancouver. Those negotiations I say are underway. There’s nothing for certain, but I can tell you everyone’s intention is to come back and do another round of X-Files.”

Carter says Hollywood North has a lot to offer the film and TV industry.

“It’s really the overall package. You sacrifice nothing by coming to Vancouver. You of course get a wonderful exchange on the dollar that can’t be discounted.”

Filming for the next season begins in October 2017.

Carter was in town to receive the VIFF Industry Builder Award on Friday afternoon.



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