‘The X-Files’: Fox Boss Gives New Season Clues, Talks Series’ Female Staffing Issues – TCA

The upcoming new season of Chris Carter’s The X-Files has drawn attention for multiple reasons. First, there is the mystery whether it would feature Mulder and Scully’s son. And then, there is the controversy surrounding the reveal that the new season’s writing staff was all-male.

At the Fox TCA session, chairman Dana Walden revealed that there are actually two female writers working on the upcoming installment, along with two female directors.

“I think that Chris is making moves in the right direction,” she said. “After more than two hundred episodes, the fan base has very high expectations that the new episodes would be consistent with the original, and there is a tendency to use people who worked on the original.”

As for whether the new installment would feature Mulder and Scully’s son, all Walden said was, “You’ve met Chris Carter, would he be happy about me talking about where the mythology goes? I can’t do that.”

However, she was happy to say, “Everyone’s seen the first script and it’s excellent. It’s a very good starting place for the show and we’re excited about the next installment.” 

This was in response to questions about the muted response to the first season of the re-boot. Walden did not agree that the reaction had been a negative one. “It’s hard because I don’t want to say they were disappointing because we got a lot of positive feedback as well and clearly 15M plus viewers per episode,” she said. ” Chris is really excited about doing a new round of episodes and there is certainly no reason for him to have to do it, he’s wildly successful and it wasn’t about the money. He had real hunger and enthusiasm to come and do new episodes. I know he’s really excited about it.”

Walden remained tight-lipped about whether the new season will pick up where the last finale left off. “I can’t say,” she said, “but we just got the script in so I don’t want to give any spoilers out.”

FONTE: Deadline (USA)


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