WonderCon Video Interviews: Frank Spotnitz

GUY: Nice to meet u..
FS: Nice to meet u..
GUY: So..this film as of yet untitled…last one called Fight The Future…is there going to be a title for this one?
FS: yes... we actually have a title…we haven’t given the go ahead to release it...
GUY: You can tell us...
FS: I wish I could *laughs*... shortly I think...
GUY: We’ve been seeing pictures on the internet of a werewolf... there is even rumours that that’s to mislead people completely...
FS: Well, I’m sort of delighted by what I see is going on on the internet…cause there’s shreds of truth and shreds mistruth..and a lot of speculation and you really don’t know what to believe... which suit us just fine, cause we like to reserve the element of surprise and people go and enjoy the movie and not watch by ticking of all the rumours they heard on the internet... so if you are a fan of the show and you are checking out the rumours on the internet I say don’t believe anything because there is much of misinformation as there is good information...
GUY: Is this a beginning of a series of films for the X-Files?
FS: I would like to think it is... it’s a great idea for a movie... I always felt that..early early on the show I felt that... it’s a natural, cause the show itself is a mini-movie every week and it’s gonna depend how this movie does... honestly... and whether the audience is there for it...
GUY: The series ended kind of on a strange place... for fans, sorta casual fans..how the movie is going to deal with the continuity... or is it just going to go back to Mulder and Scully and the FBI?
FS: I think the movie is very true to the continuity of the series…it’s not an alien conspiracy movie... it’s more stand-alone, scary story...(something that I don’t get what FS says…).it’s a luxury of this movie that it can be about the characters... in a way that the series couldn’t..we had so much we had to do... we had 24 hours of television every year.. we couldn’t dwell into to their personal lives has much as we have been able with this film...
GUY: Thank you very much for talking to us...
FS: Thank you...


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