Five Questions with Gillian Anderson

Ottawa ComicCon 2013 kicks off on Friday at the Ernst & Young Centre.

Adam West, best known as Batman and Family Guy’s Mayor Adam West, had to send his regrets due to a fractured back, but the thousands of attendees will have the chance to see Wil Wheaton, Julie Newmar, LeVar Burton and many other stars. Stop by on Saturday or Sunday to see Gillian Anderson, who discusses X-Files, Hannibal and giving back in this edited interview.

Q This year marks the 20th anniversary of the X-Files. What stands out most to you in your memories of playing Special Agent Dana Scully?

A. That I was so blessed to play a character that I liked so much since I had to live with her for such a long time.

Q. Ottawa fans are looking forward to your appearance at ComicCon. What do you like about going to ComicCon?

A. It gives me an opportunity to meet some of the people who helped keep the show on the air for such a long time and to say thank you for their undying support. It feels like the anniversary year is a good time to do this and then to go back into hiding.

Q. You advocate for human rights by working with a number of different organizations and charities. Where did you get your conviction that it’s important to give back?

A. I think it occurred to me early on when the success of the show was having such a huge impact on my life and yet was not making me any happier as a person. I figured there has to be something good that comes out of this that’s not just about what I get.

Q. Why did you decide to return to network TV to star in Hannibal?

A. It was timing. But mostly the mixture of compelling costars and Bryan Fuller’s brainwashing techniques.

Q. What are the chances audiences will see a new X-Files film?

A. No clue.

FONTE: Ottawa Sun (CAN)


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