Archivio Stampa Blu-ray

X-Files creator Chris Carter is "proud" of season 10: "We made good on the promise"

"We showed that The X-Files has a lot more life in it."

The return of The X-Files for its tenth season last year came 14 years after the show originally wrapped, and eight since we last saw Mulder and Scully in The X-Files: I Want to Believe movie. So understandably all eyes were turned to the six new episodes and Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny's return to their iconic roles. Speaking to Digital Spy ahead of the series' release on DVD and Blu-ray, creator Chris Carter has said that he was very happy with how things turned out. "I think we made good on the promise of the opportunity to come back, and I feel proud of the work," he said. "We ... [Continua a leggere]

The X-Files event series interview: creator Chris Carter

The X-Files creator Chris Carter chats to us about making more new episodes, Mulder and Scully's fan-appeal, and his favourite episode...

As The X-Files event series comes out on DVD and Blu-Ray in the UK, we chatted to creator Chris Carter about the response to the revived series, doing more episodes and looking back on his lengthy time on the show... Were you pleased with the way the revival series turned out? Yes, I’m very happy with the work, I’m proud of the work, and with the response to it, we had terrific ratings here in the US. It’s a big risk to come back to the show after 23 years, and do it with actors and directors and writers who are 23 years older, and hopefully the audience is still there. We ... [Continua a leggere]

Remastering 'The X-Files' in HD, Q&A with Jim Hardy CEO of Illuminate

Ben talks to Jim Hardy, CEO of Illuminate, to find out how the company completely re-assembled all 201 episodes of 'The X-Files' for the digital age.

When 20th Century Fox decided they wanted to fully remaster the cult classic sci-fi series 'The X-Files' in high definition, they turned to one of the premier production facilities in the United States; Illuminate. But there's a lot more involved than just pulling the original 35mm negatives from storage, where they've safely resided for the last two decades. Over a period of nearly two years, Illuminate scanned millions of feet of 35mm negative and completely reassembled each episode from the ground up to pull Mulder and Scully out of the standard definition dark ages, and into feature film ... [Continua a leggere]

X-Files digitally restored for Netflix

illuminate has completed a digital restoration of the iconic TV series, The X-Files. Retransferred from the camera-original negative, the show’s entire 201 episodes have been reassembled in HD using illuminate’s proprietary iConform technology. All nine seasons of The X-Files have now been released on Netflix. iConform, illuminate’s proprietary software, was used to automatically edit together scanned camera-original negatives using existing reference material, but without the need for an EDL. With the resulting scans, illuminate then applied color correction and other enh ... [Continua a leggere]

Is Fox bringing The X-Files to BD in 2013 as well?

All right, we haven’t had a Rumor Mill update in a very long while, so now that we’re up and running on the newly-redesigned Bits, it feels like it’s time to get the Mill going again, yes? And with a nice Cold War-era, espionage-inspired logo to boot! So here’s today’s dispatch: A number of our industry sources are now telling us that Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment is planning (and in fact may already be gearing up to) release their classic TV series The X-Files on Blu-ray. As fans will already be aware, the first four seasons of the show were produced ... [Continua a leggere]



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