Archivio Stampa AOL (USA)

AOL Chat – Chris Carter

OnlineHost: Chris Carter, creator of Millennium and The X-Files is now with us. Good evening, Chris, thank you for joining us! Chris Carter: I’m happy to be here and answer any questions… as long as they’re not too embarrassing. OnlineHost: Great, let’s get started. Question: Is there going to be a Millennium/X-Files crossover episode? Chris Carter: I hope so, and this would be the year to do it. I have a story in mind… that involves Scully and Emma and Frank Black. Question: Does Millennium show the honest side of the characters, or is it all one ... [Continua a leggere]

Chat with The X-Stars, from AOL

OnlineHost: Copyright 1994 America Online, Inc. All rights reserved. OnlineHost: Center Stage is the largest gathering place on the service, bringing celebrity guests right into your home, and offering a host of entertainment events led by a team of talented emcees. It's capable of accommodating hundreds of guests an d is truly the showplace of the service. OnlineHost: Experiment with the menu. You'll find many powerful options including one which permits you to interact with other members present in the Auditorium. The interaction "rows" text is prefaced by a number shown in parentheses: (1 ... [Continua a leggere]



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