Archivio Stampa Christina Troup

WonderCon: The X-Files 2 Panel; Plus RT's Interview with David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson!

We have movie clip impressions along with a chat with the stars!

Snow and FBI agents with sticks -- that's pretty much all that can be said of the 20th Century Fox footage that was revealed at WonderCon this weekend for The X-Files 2. The first look at the onscreen reunion of agents Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) began with a shot of Scottish actor Billy Connolly uttering, "It's here..." as a team of FBI agents prodded a snow-covered field with long sticks in search of, uh, the truth? Before the audience was even able to wrap its collective brain around what could possibly be buried in the snow, the teaser cut to a number of ... [Continua a leggere]



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