Archivio Stampa Elaine Lipworth

Why Billy Connolly's latest role is no laughing matter

The comedian explains why playing a tortured Catholic priest in the next X-Files movie won't make us laugh

He is a famous comedian, but there is nothing funny about Billy Connolly's latest role: he plays a tortured Catholic priest in The X-Files: I Want To Believe. "There are no laughs at all, which is brilliant," says Connolly gleefully. "Father Joe is very disturbed, very dark. Doing a drama like this is a joy; you get to use your body in a different way, you get to use your eyes. I love playing dark characters, the darker the better, the more disturbed he is, the happier I get." He fixes me with menacing eyes. "The most worrying thing is that the darker the character, the easier I find i ... [Continua a leggere]



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