Archivio Stampa Tim Goodman

Networks showing their stupidity again

This is the part of the TV season when the luster of everyone thinking life was sweet gets rubbed down to the awful truth: Even in the midst of a great season, shows have to die. Usually, this period begins much earlier — like the week after most of them debut. NBC’s “Mike O’Malley” was the first show to get canceled, followed shortly thereafter by CBS’s “Work With Me.” No problem there — most everyone thought they were lousy. Much more difficult — and telling — is when shows with potential get the ax. When Fox kil ... [Continua a leggere]

There’s No Fighting the Future

All signs are pointing to this being the last season for The X-Files. Somehow, many people have overlooked this.

Fans of The X-Files have been waiting for the truth a lot of years now. The truth they are about to hear probably isn’t what they were expecting: The show is over. Anyone who thinks there’s even the smallest amount of hope for another season is living in some kind of elaborately constructed Chris Carter dream world that is wonderfully disconnected to the truly ugly, often horrifying world of Hollywood. Given that fans of the show – and I’ve been one since the pilot episode – tend to know events months before they appear in print or in episodes, the ... [Continua a leggere]

The End is Out There for 'The X-Files'

Series Creator Claims Finale is Only a Season and a Half Away

PASADENA – Ultimately, we may never know if the truth is out there. Chris Carter, the man who created “The X-Files” – which is now in its sixth season – said it’s highly unlikely that the show will go beyond a seventh season, so he’s going to start telling the truth. Of course, that’s a little like a sheep-herding young man we all know crying wolf for the 99th time. Fox is touting a special two-parter on Feb. 7 and 14 – in the heart of sweeps – that “reveals the series’ deepest secrets.” In fact, Fox say ... [Continua a leggere]



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