Archivio Stampa Geoff Boucher

The 'X' factor

Los Angeles Times, 17 Marzo 2011

The work of Scully and Mulder remains influential. Six Flms being released this season exhibit shades of 'The X Files.'

There's a strange confluence of sciencefiction movies being released this season - six otherwordly films in six weeks. What's behind this phenomenon? A little investigation shows that although TV's "The X-Files" went off the air in 2002, the truth may be still out there - and we're not just talking about the flashlights and lab coats inherited by Fox's "Fringe." These half-dozen films might all be filed under X in one way or another. Consider:"The Adjustment Bureau"(March 4) The mysterious puppet-master of this well reviewed sci-fi/thriller quietly tend to the course of human history and ... [Continua a leggere]

David Duchovny: 'The X-Files' is equal to God

These days, every major genre film and hit show has a significant presence on the Internet, but that wasn’t the case when "The X-Files" became a spooky sensation in the 1990s. David Duchovny said that, like his character Fox Mulder, the relentless faith of true believers is astounding to behold. " 'The X-Files' was said to be the first Internet show," Duchovny said over coffee on a recent morning in Los Angeles. "We had chat rooms and fan sites and all that. Look, I’m usually five or six years behind whatever is hip. So it was around 2000 that I started doing e-mail and f ... [Continua a leggere]

David Duchovny, Mr. X-Files, says, 'God, what a great love affair'

The actor is paired up and on the hunt again for aliens and freaky folk. But first (and unlike Mulder), he declares his feelings for his FBI partner.

THE CAST and crew of the upcoming "The X-Files: I Want to Believe" were just a few weeks into filming in Vancouver when Frank Spotnitz, the co-writer and co-producer with creator-director Chris Carter, called star David Duchovny over to a laptop computer to watch a fan-made video on YouTube. It was a montage of scenes from the old "X-Files" show set to Sarah McLachlan's forlorn "When She Loved Me." "It was intensely romantic and it almost brought tears to my eyes," Duchovny recalled. "It really did. And it reminded me that we have at the core of 'The X-Files' this very powerful relationship. W ... [Continua a leggere]

The no-show must go on

It's a surreal affair at the Beverly Hilton, starless and strange

Sunday night at the Golden Globe Awards announcement, you really didn't.Strike-torn and starved of stars, the Globes were thrown, sort of. The nominees were left to feel their schadenfreude and/or exultation from some discreet location, skipping the formal dinner in a show of solidarity with their union brethren at the Writers Guild of America, which remains in a standoff with Hollywood producers.Without Clooney and Clint, or Angelina and Meryl, it was left to the entertainment press to gather at the heavily fortified Beverly Hilton to hear the names of the winners -- if not see them in the fl ... [Continua a leggere]



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