Archivio Stampa John Bartley

Inside ‘The X-Files’

VANCOUVER, B.C. – So this is where sewer monsters lurk. Vampires, too. Not to mention aliens, mutants and – scariest of all – shadowy government figures. Here is where FBI Special Agents Dana Scully and Fox Mulder chase down the bizarre, the grotesque and the sinister in an ever-frustrated attempt to uncover The Truth about paranormal phenomena and government conspiracies. “Here,” of course, doesn’t really exist. Except in the surreal parallel world of television. And in the minds of millions of fans worldwide who have turned “The X-Files ... [Continua a leggere]

John Bartley shoots The X-Files on the edge of darkness

A lot of light can be needed to achieve darkness In one episode of The X-Files, a character’s shadow vaporises anyone it touches. Another character begins smoking when sunlight reaches into his jail cell. No one has to utter the word, the audience already knows it: vampire. That’s typical of how Director of Photography John Bartley CSC, talks to the audience with light and shadows. In many episodes, FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully probe the darkness with xenon flashlights. Somehow the brilliant splashes of light knifing through the blackness add to the aura ... [Continua a leggere]



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