Archivio Stampa SciFiNow (UK)

Chris Carter on X-Files Season 11: “I have a plan”

Chris Carter on X-Files Season 10, William and the brilliance of Mitch Pileggi

It’s fair to say that The X-Files revival ended on a little bit of a cliffhanger. The imminent end of the world, to be exact, courtesy of an alien virus, and it left us anxious to see more from Mulder and Scully. Which is not to say that the six episode miniseries didn’t get a lot done. There was plenty of arc mythology, William was not only addressed but loomed over each and every episode, and we even got an all-time great comedy episode from Darin Morgan: ‘Mulder And Scully Meet The Were-Monster.’ We got the chance to talk to creator Chris Carter about his expe ... [Continua a leggere]



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