X-Files creator Chris Carter said the hit sci-fi show would likely return after its highly-anticipated six-episode reboot wrapped on Fox Monday. "I can tell you, almost without a doubt, we will come back," Carter told The New York Times.Carter said he'd had an "informal conversation" with Fox co-chief executive, Dana Walden, who told him the network was interested in future episodes. Though Carter noted there are a lot of logistics that need to be sorted out before an official announcement can be made."It's really a matter of when the actors would be able to do it, when they're available at th ... [Continua a leggere]
Archivio Stampa Rolling Stone (USA)
Actress discusses the finale, getting back into Scully's mind-set and how the show feels different over a decade later
When The X-Files ended its first run in 2002, Gillian Anderson was over it. "I needed to dig a deep ditch for anything X-Files-related to go into," she says with a big laugh. "It took a while before I could talk about the show with a sense of appreciation and wistfulness." She was 33 at the time of the original series finale and had spent the majority of her adult life playing FBI Special Agent Dr. Dana Scully, the impassive, skeptical voice of reason in the fantastical world of her onscreen foil, Agent Fox Mulder (David Duchovny). Throughout nine seasons, including two after Duchovny left, A ... [Continua a leggere]
He has a new show, a novel and an 'X-Files' revival – and a debut album called 'Hell or Highwater'
As of a few years ago, David Duchovny had never played guitar, and he had barely sung a note in public since flunking a choir audition as a kid. So he was as surprised as anyone to find himself recording what turned out to be a likable, lyrically tart, vaguely Wilco-ish debut album, Hell or Highwater, due out May 12th. It started when his split from wife Tea Leoni left the 54-year-old actor with unaccustomed free time, thanks to joint custody of his two kids: "I thought, 'Maybe I can learn to play guitar to amuse myself,' " says Duchovny, who's starring in a new NBC series, Aquariu ... [Continua a leggere]
The actor also discussed his next role, a cop in pursuit of Charles Manson, in advance of the 'Californication' series finale
With the series finale of Californication airing this weekend, David Duchovny says he feels like he has comfortably closed the book on his character Hank Moody. That's not the case, though, for another one of his iconic characters: The X-Files' Fox Mulder. During an in-depth interview with Rolling Stone about the end of the long-running Showtime drama, which will run next week after the finale, he said that he would be up for making a sequel to the 2008 movie The X-Files: I Want to Believe. "I would always want to do it," he said. "I wish we'd done more already. I wish the second one did ... [Continua a leggere]
Stars David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson and writers revisit their groundbreaking series
During its heyday, The X-Files could be a truly frightening show. Airing from 1993 to 2002, the groundbreaking sci-fi series found FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully investigating all manner of ghouls, monsters and aliens, all the while digging into a vast government conspiracy that would give any little kid nightmares. But for all of the show's intense subject matter, X-Files stars David Duchovny (playing the true believer Mulder) and Gillian Anderson (the more science-minded Scully) also had plenty of funny moments. And their famous comedic chemistry was on full display at San Diego's Co ... [Continua a leggere]

Rolling Stone: How would you feel watching the show if it hadn’t turned those corners and you had backed away from it? Chris Carter: I would be sad. But I mean I’m sad that in syndication they’re going to edit out one-and-a-half to 2 minutes of each episode. It’s a shame. I mean, we’ve worked hard to pack in as much as we can, and everything needs to be there in those 43-odd minutes. To get two minutes out of a picture that’s just right — that’s a lot. RS: Is “Surfing” [magazine] where you developed your taste for bookin ... [Continua a leggere]

You’d think that people who spend their time dreaming up conspiracies would have beards and wave their hands a lot when they talk. Chris Carter is placid, handsome, clean-shaven. He pauses to find the right words — the breaks can sometimes last a few seconds — and when he talks again, the words are the correct ones. It’s as though he’s rewriting as he speaks, running a kind of mental thesaurus program. “Right now I’m reading about these things called peak experiences or peak moments,” he says, speaking of future X-Files plots. &ldquo ... [Continua a leggere]

Petite and unimposing in person, Gillian Anderson has a huge and unusually believable presence on screen. Perhaps that explains why fans have sent mail for her to the FBI, which forwards it on her. Anderson, 27, grew up in so many places -including Puerto Rico, London, Grand Rapids, Mich.- that you wonder what her parents did for a living. " They were circus geeks" she says, showing more of a sense of humor than Scully. (Actually, her father runs a film post-production company, and her mother is a computer analyst.) A former punk-rock lover, Anderson studied acting at DePaul University's Good ... [Continua a leggere]

As we talk in the mysteriously small office on the Fox lot in Los Angeles, Chris Carter is surrounded by a library that includes Dolphins, ETs and Angels, Conversation with Nostradamus, Cosmic Top Secret, UFO: The Continuing Enigma and perhaps the scariest book of all - The Bridges off Madison County. Carter grew up in Bellflower, Calif. He started surfing at 12, and after he graduated from California State University at Long Beach, he worked as an editor at Surfing magazine for 13 years. With the encouragement of his future wife, screenwriter Dori Pierson, Carter started writing screenplays ... [Continua a leggere]

EVEN IF HE DID LOOSE TO STEPHEN KING ON Celebrity Jeopardy! last year, David Duchovny remains one smart cookie. How many TV hunks do you know who went to Princeton, then grad school at Yale, and started a doctoral thesis titled Magic and Technology in Contemporary American Fiction and Poetry? The 35-year old Duchovny grew up middle-class and "half-Jewish,half-Scotish" on Manhattan's Lower East Side. His father -who wrote such books as David Ben-Gurion in His Own words and The Wisdom of Spiro T. Agnew- and his mother, a schoolteacher, divorced when he was 11. David earned a scholarship to Coll ... [Continua a leggere]

The truth about "The X-Files" is in here. At least I hope so. If I seem confused, suspicious or even full-out paranoid, trust me -I have reasons. From the moment I fearlessly choose to accept this assignment, strange things started happening. Unexplained things. Totally paranormal shit. First, how can I explain away the phenomenon of finding myself entranced by a show that I -and much of the Western world- initially dismissed as goofy, spooky kids' stuff? After all, The X-Files was a series that even the Fox network considered less promising than "The adventures of Brisco County Jr." The cast ... [Continua a leggere]