Archivio Stampa SFX Magazine (USA)

Truth and consequences

SFX Febbraio 2016 - Cover

Reopen The X-Files! Series supremo Chris Carter tells Tara Bennett about the most unexpected comeback of 2016

Trawl the internet in 2015 and you’ll find no shortage of stories to fuel the paranoid: governments accessing our personal data; the drones that will soon be hovering in our personal space; conspiracy theorists on overdrive about the one-percenters ruling the globe. It feels like the kind of stuff you’d imagine Fox Mulder poring over in his cramped FBI office on his neverending quest to prove that the truth is still out there. Except Mulder – and his brilliant but ever sceptical partner Dana Scully – have been off the conspiracy beat for close to a decade, The X-Files ... [Continua a leggere]

The truth is here!

SFX - Settembre 2015 #1

After two days on set of The X-Files reboot, David Duchovny chats to SFX to preview the series revival…

What’s it like to work with Gillian Anderson again on The X-Files reboot? It feels very familiar. We worked together for so long, but that was a long time ago. Then we worked together again about seven or eight years ago, but I just feel like there’s a connection between us now. The fact that we did the show at that time in our lives for so long means that we are always going to have an acting connection to fall back on. How would you describe your first day on set? Again, it felt very familiar. I thought, “Let’s do it; let’s do these characters.” Unfortuna ... [Continua a leggere]

One hit wonder?

With Millennium floundering, will Chris Carter ever be more than a one hit wonder? Jeff Craig talks to him on the set of his new show, Harsh Realm…

“I was never a science fiction fan. I spoke to a group once, and they were shocked that I’d never seen Star Trek. But I’m just not a science fiction fan. It’s never interested me.” It’s a bit of a shock admission from a man who, thanks to the massive worldwide success of his first SF series, The X-Files, now has the creative autonomy and network clout to produce whatever he damn wants… and has returned to the SF fold for the third time. With the X-movie franchise now assured and Millennium into its third series, the former surf-boy jour ... [Continua a leggere]



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