Archivio Stampa Harper's Bazaar (UK)

Back on the case

Gillian Anderson plays an enigmatic detective in BBC's suspenceful new mini-series The Fall

On the wall of the Zetter hotel in Clerkenwell is a rnonochrorne painting of a pale, raven-haired woman. She is wearing a corseted ballgown that becomes, from the waist down, an elaboratebird cage.Staring darkly out at the viewer, she holds a dagger aloft. I tell Gillian Anderson - who sits in front of the painting, slight blonde, in black jeans and a blue silk shirt - that the woman strikes rne as exactly the kind of tormented part she would play. 'You're absolutely right,' she says, beaming.The gulf between Anderson, 44. and the characters she portrays on-screen verges on comic. She is cele ... [Continua a leggere]



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