Archivio Stampa Richard Lawson

The Return of Gillian Anderson

Today in (non-Oscar) show business news: Everyone's favorite fake FBI agent might soon be back on American TV, Michael Jackson's son continues his professional development, and Maya Rudolph wants to do a variety show.

Brace yourself, nerds: Your beloved Agent Scully may be returning to American series television. Yes, Gillian Anderson, who fled to England after The X-Files ended and has only returned to our shores for the odd installment Masterpiece Theater or indie movie, has signed on to costar in an NBC pilot. Funnily enough, the show is about an FBI agent, but alas, Anderson isn't playing her. Rachael Taylor, late of 666 Park Avenue, will be playing that role, while Anderson is her estranged sister, the CEO of a huge conglomerate. The two reunite when Anderson's daughter is kidnapped along with the ... [Continua a leggere]



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