Archivio Stampa Badass Digest (USA)

SDCC 2013: Chris Carter Approves Of Gillian Anderson’s Breasts

And more news from THE X-FILES Season 10 panel.

As you probably already know, IDW has begun publishing The X-Files: Season 10 comic book series, written by Joe Harris with Chris Carter's full cooperation. Today I sat in a panel with Harris, Carter, Gillian Anderson, illustrator Joe Corroney, and IDW execs Chris Ryall and Denton Tipon. Yeah, no Duchovny, but Anderson was cool and funny enough for both of them. She has a very laidback, hip way about her. "Y’all, come to the booth where I’m signing shit. Come say hi and buy some stuff!” I love her. The panel was moderated by Dean Haglund, who played good ol' Ringo. Haglund's ... [Continua a leggere]



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