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Smoke and Mirrors

The reedy voice on the telephone, until now cheerful and friendly, suddenly cackles with familiar menace. “Kill me off for a few weeks?” it asks petulantly, referring to the events in “Redux II.” “Then I’m going to get revenge.” William B. Davis seems to enjoy playing off of his devious television persona. During interviews he frequently speaks in first person to describe the Cigarette Smoking Man’s machination, and his tone often drops conspiratorially when offering caustic asides about The Project. While it’s all done in go ... [Continua a leggere]

The Next Files

As busy as ever, co-executive producer Frank Spotnitz graciously stepped away from his typewriter to fill us in on the latest happenings in the world of The X-Files. Here’s what he had to say.

The X-Files Official Magazine: Congratulations on 16 Emmy Award Nominations. Spotnitz: All of us were really pleased and honored. It sounds trite, but it really is an honor. To get so many nominations in the fifth year of a television series is really gratifying and surprising. The X-Files Official Magazine: Did that help generate a positive atmosphere for the beginning of Season Six? Spotnitz: It sure did. The timing really could not have been better. The Emmy nominations were announced, and the very next day we had our first production meeting with our new crew in Los Angeles. I ... [Continua a leggere]

World War X

No one could have predicted that Spender, or the Cigarette-Smoking Man or even Skinner would don Nazi uniforms during Season Six, yet, that’s exactly what happened. Chris Carter’s imaginative narrative for his groundbreaking “real time” episode sends Mulder to the Bermuda Triangle where he boards a ship missing since 1939. On board, he encounters all the show’s characters — only they are not themselves but strangers from another era. The beautifully restored Queen Mary, which is also an operating hotel, provided the ideal location for the hist ... [Continua a leggere]

L.A. Story

The X-Files embraces its new home–sunny California

While driving down busy Southern California Streets, you might notice brightly colored sings sporting random nonsensical words affixed to the odd telephone poll. The markers are written in a secret code that only those well-versed in Industry Rhetoric can decipher-weird alien sounding abbreviations for film or television location shoots that transform neighborhood streets and store fronts into something more or less glamorous, depending on the day. Occasionally, between curses and head-shaking, grid locked drivers will glance across the street at the cardboard herald. But more ... [Continua a leggere]

Téléstar Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny Interview

Scully and Mulder have arrived on the big screen. A chance for Gillian Anderson (GA) and David Duchovny (DD) to talk openly, and to clear the air at last about the state of their relationship. The weather is gloomy over Los Angeles. And so is the security guard's mood as he stands at the entrance to Set 8 at the Fox Studios, where the X-Files is currently being filmed. He checks ID, passes... Inside, the closing credits roll. The doors open. GA and DD thank the technicians and welcome "TéléStar" for an exclusive interview. The series, the film, Mulder and Scully's relationship an ... [Continua a leggere]

Myth Maker

We sent Cult Times’ best agents to try to get the truth out of Chris “Conspiracy” Carter once and for all

Chris Carter, The X-Files executive producer, leans back in his chair as he discusses his hit series and the new feature film that has resulted from its success. “I had a three day surfing weekend and I was thinking about what it is as a surfer that I bring to my occupation.” Carter, a long-time surfer who spent over a decade earlier in his career as an editor and writer at Surfing magazine, certainly looks the part, given his relaxed, laid-back manner and his casual dress consisting of jeans and a T-shirt. “I think, for me, it’s a minimalist sort of self ... [Continua a leggere]

“Non mi vedrete nudo”

Dal film sono state tagliate le scene dove David Duchovny mostrava il posteriore. E lui, sardonico, ribatte: “Vorrei diventare puro spirito, fare yoga 24 ore al giorno”.

Il cognome, di origine russa, significa “spirituale”. E David Duchovny, sex-symbol a cui sono stati dedicati siti internet di pura ispirazione carnale (Brigata del testosterone, Brigata dell’estrogeno, Pagina di libidine…), sostiene che il nome gli si addice. “Vorrei diventare puro spirito, fare yoga 24 ore al giorno. Lo yoga che pratico non mi basta mai”. In carne e ossa, comunque, al nostro incontro in un albergo di Londra, pare tutt’altro che etereo, dimostra sardonico umorismo newyorkese e realismo pragmatico. Non soffre paranoia. Non si lamenta: ... [Continua a leggere]

X-files – Il complotto continua

Usciti dritti dal telefilm che ha conquistato in tutto il monto decine di milioni di fan, gli agenti dell’Fbi Fox Mulder e Dana Scully continuano sul grande schermo, complici gli effetti speciali, le loro indagini impossibili. Per introdurre la visione, “Sorrisi” ha stilato un rapido elenco delle analogie e delle differenze tra la serie e il prodotto cinematografico.

Finalmente sono tornati. Tosti. Intrepidi. Irriducibili. I cavalieri dell’investigazione impossibile, gli sfegatati cacciatori di complotti e alieni sono ancora tra noi. Stavolta, però, smesse le dimensioni dell’elettrodomestico casalingo, i due agenti dell’Fbi Mulder e Scully ci guardano perplessi dall’alto degli schermi giganti dei cinema di prima visione. Uscito negli Stati Uniti lo scorso giugno (quasi sessanta miliardi di lire incassati nel primo week end), il film tratto dalla serie-culto “X-Files”, scritto e prodotto dall’ideatore del tel ... [Continua a leggere]

Carter inks major deal with Fox TV – Producer eyeing new series

“The X-Files” creator Chris Carter has inked an exclusive development and production deal with 20th Century Fox TV, which includes a first-look feature component and calls for him to develop at least one new series for Fox Broadcasting Co. next fall. The pact, which has been in the works for months, keeps Carter as executive producer of “The X-Files” for at least two more seasons and “Millennium” for at least one more, while he develops new projects for Fox under his Ten Thirteen Prods. Sources say the deal, which lasts five years with options ... [Continua a leggere]

Senza paura

L’attrice ha rotto il contratto che la impegnava per altri due anni alla serie Tv nel ruolo dell’agente Scully. Niente più mostri, né alieni nel suo futuro, né David Duchovny. “Non c’è mai stato nulla tra noi”, dice. “Forse in altre circostanze…”

“Arriva un momento della vita in cui si comincia a desiderare qualche cosa d’altro. Io ho interpretato l’agente Scully per sei anni. È un personaggio che ho amato molto, anche perché è stato il mio primo vero ruolo, ma adesso è venuto per me il tempo di fare altro”. Incredibile ma vero. Con queste parole Gillian Anderson si congeda da “X-files”, la serie cult che per il secondo anno consecutivo ha vinto il prestigioso Golden Globe (il premio attribuito a film e serie Tv in America dalla stampa estera). L’attrice infatti ha r ... [Continua a leggere]

A Day In The Life of Chris Carter

My day begins when I wake up at 5.30. I never use an alarm clock. I think surfers generally wake up early – it’s the time when you get your best surf – and I love it because the phones aren’t ringing and there’s that stillness and coolness. I’ve been talking to Frank Spotnitz, my colleague and co-writer, about trying to get into the office at 4am. If we could do that, he and I might by noon have done a pretty good day’s work creatively, so then all the producing, which is very unstructured, could be done afterwards. But of course, life a ... [Continua a leggere]

Agent provocative

He’s loved by millions, gets paid millions and stars in a hugely successful TV series. So why is David Duchovny so annoyed by his co-star’s pay dispute? He tells Libby Brooks about his poetry, the X-Files movie and his dream of bringing the World Cup back to Scotland

He looks a lot like Mulder. There is the same air of wearied naughtiness. But the familiar face, free from the softening broodiness of his X-Files persona, morphs from wounded pup to bond-broker bastard. In exquisitely tailored midnight blue, he is less the visionary canker and more the acquaintance of American Psycho’s socialite psychopath, Patrick Bateman. At 38, Duchovny is a big star on the small screen, a Hollywood bankable yet to prove his mettle in movies. Internationally identifiable as his wry, doubting alter ego Fox Mulder, the completion of the first X-Files f ... [Continua a leggere]

X-tra! X-tra! Carter explores new season

HOLLYWOOD — It is, in every respect, a typical Fox network party. The music is a little too loud, the drinks are probably flowing a little too freely, and inside the Garden of Eden club off Hollywood Boulevard, Brian Austin Green of “Beverly Hills, 90210″ is under siege from TV critics and industry types, while nearby a knot of reporters tightens around his diminutive boss, Aaron Spelling. Even the Internet’s rumpled “citizen reporter,” Matt Drudge, is there, courtesy of a pundit gig he’s landed with Fox News. It is not exactly the kind o ... [Continua a leggere]

Man behind The X-Files exhibits same stoic calm as his characters

In The X-Files movie, Fox Mulder and Dana Scully get attacked by bees, bad guys and some serious bio-hazards, but their voices rarely rise above the pitch of faraway freeway traffic. They must get it from their boss, creator and principal writer of The X-Files, Chris Carter. On the phone, Carter sounds as implacable as his stoic main characters. That’s quite a feat, as The X-Files movie was a gamble in many respects, and as dicey a deal as the television show ever was. (It’s made a respectable $55 million to date.) The film takes off from the fifth season’s fina ... [Continua a leggere]

X-Files Director Rob Bowman Talks with Mania

It almost sounds like a cruel joke. Take one of the most successful television series currently on air, that the faithful have tuned in, turned on and deconstructed every bit of its five-year way, and now successfully move it to the big screen — movies, theater takes, box office draws, film festivals, Oscars… No pressure. Your past resume? Directed a bunch of Star Trek:TNG and the 1993 movie Airborne, its greatest claim to fame being that it starred Buffy’s Seth Green. Oh yeah, and 25 episodes of the aforementioned TV series, The X-Files. Rob Bowman is the rec ... [Continua a leggere]



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