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Live Coverage: 'The X-Files' 20th anniversary at Comic-Con - live blog

There aren't many shows that have had as much of an impact as The X Files, so the anticipation for this 20th anniversary celebration at Comic-Con is super high!

Mulder and Scully themselves - okay, David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson - will be joined by creator Chris Carter and a bunch of the show's writers (including Breaking Bad boss Vince Gilligan and Homeland's Howard Gordon) to reminisce about their time on the revolutionary series! Join us as we get all nostalgic from 3.30pm PT / 8.30pm ET / 11.30pm BST for our live blog of proceedings... 16:32 But that's that for the panel - let's hope it's not another 20 years before we get more X-Files, eh? 16:31 As people shout out numbers, David jokes: "This is how we're going to get the movie made." "It' ... [Continua a leggere]

'X-Files' stars David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson tease third film at reunion

"X-Files" fans hoping for another movie sequel heard some good news at Thursday's 20th anniversary panel at Comic-Con. Sort of. Star David Duchovny, who played Agent Fox Mulder, said because the groundbreaking sci-fi series offered endless possibilities, "We could do it forever. I always thought when we can come back together, we will. As much as we can." Gillian Anderson, who portrayed Mulder's initially skeptical partner Dana Scully, is game as long as their reunion doesn't happen on the small screen. "A film would be great." Creator Chris Carter fell just short of confirming a third mov ... [Continua a leggere]

'The X-Files' Anniversary: How Mulder And Scully Led To 'Homeland'

For "Breaking Bad" creator Vince Gilligan and "Hunted" creator Frank Spotnitz, writing for "The X-Files" was their first job in television. That wasn't the case for Howard Gordon, but he said in a recent interview about the show that his time as an "X-Files" staff writer and producer had a big impact on him. How to sustain suspense; how to create a story "engine" to which other writers can add and yet retain their own voices; and how to scare and surprise the folks sitting on their couches at home -- Gordon learned or honed a lot of those skills during the first four seasons of "The X-Files" ... [Continua a leggere]

'The X-Files' Executive Producer Frank Spotnitz On His Biggest Regret And Fondest Memories

Few people have as much insight into the rise and run of "The X-Files" as Frank Spotnitz. Spotnitz joined the show as a writer in its second season and worked as a writer/producer until the Fox drama ended its nine-season run. He rose to the level of executive producer, directed episodes of the show and worked on the "X-Files" movies that were released during and after the show's run. None of it was easy. Part of the reason an obscure show that aired on Friday nights rose to such heights of popularity and influence was because Chris Carter, the show's creator and executive producer, was a d ... [Continua a leggere]

Mulder and Scully reuniting for 'X-Files' 20th anniversary panel at SDCC

It's hard to believe that it's been 20 years since we were introduced to spooky Fox Mulder and the enigmatic Dana Scully on "The X-Files". Now, ten years after the show ended and five years after the last movie, fans are still waiting for some real closure to the adventures of Mulder and Scully. That wait might be over -- kind of. Both Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny are set to make an appearance this weekend at the 2013 San Diego International Comic-Con at a special panel celebrating the 20th anniversary of "The X-Files". The panel will be held on Thursday, July 18 at 3:30 PT in Ballroo ... [Continua a leggere]

The X-Files 20th Anniversary Blogging: "2Shy" (November 3, 1995)

“2Shy” is another brilliantly-conceived and executed third season installment of the Chris Carter series The X-Files (1993 – 2002), one that considers 1990s social mores in terms of a then-new technological advance: the Internet. Today, the term “internet predator” is a common one, and it defines a person who utilizes the world-wide web for purposes of unsavory or even illegal activities, usually involving sex. “2Shy” imagines a literal predator of this sort: a genetic mutant, Virgil Incanto (Timothy Carhart) who talks female users of the net into ... [Continua a leggere]

'The X-Files' Turns 20: 'Breaking Bad' Creator On What He Learned From Mulder And Scully

On Sept. 10, 1993, a show called "The X-Files" premiered on Fox, and just over 20 years later "Breaking Bad" will air its series finale on AMC. Those events have a lot more in common than you might think. Vince Gilligan, the creator of "Breaking Bad," got his start in television by writing for "The X-Files." He was toiling away as a film writer and living in Virginia when a meeting with "X-Files" creator Chris Carter changed his life. "I learned everything I pretty much know about TV from 'The X-Files' and from working for Chris, and from working with ['X-Files writer/producers] Fran ... [Continua a leggere]

X Files, al Comic Con 2013 panel del ventennale con Chris Carter, David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson e altri

Era il 10 settembre di 20 anni fa quando FOX americana trasmetteva la prima puntata di X Files, serie ancora nei nostri cuori che quest’anno – precisamente il 18 luglio alle 3.30 americane, nella Ballroom 20 – sarà onorata al Comic Con di San Diego con una speciale reunion che vedrà protagonisti David Duchovny e Gillian Anderson. La presenza degli ‘ex’ Mulder e Scully è stato rivelata poche ore fa, mentre già da qualche giorno si sapeva che all’incontro organizzato da TV Guide avrebbero partecipato il creatore Chris Carter e ... [Continua a leggere]

''X Files'', reunion per Mulder e Scully

Gillian Anderson e David Duchovny saranno presenti al "Comic Con" di San Diego

I vent'anni di "X-Files" si festeggiano con una gradita reunion: Gillian Anderson e David Duchovny parteciperanno infatti al Comic Con 2013 di San Diego. Un anniversario importante per la famosa serie tv di fantascienza che dopo tantissimi anni vede riuniti Mulder e Scully, la celebre coppia investigativa di fenomeni paranormali. Un "ritorno" che sicuramente piacerà ai fan. Il San Diego Comic Con si svolgerà dal 18 al 21 luglio e vedrà appunto gli attori tra i protagonisti. Duchovny all'inizio aveva qualche dubbio, ma poi ha confermato la sua presenza. Mentre la Anderson ... [Continua a leggere]

David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson to reunite 'X-Files' at Comic-Con

David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson will be reunited at the special X-Files 20th anniversary event at Comic-Con, it has been confirmedThe Mulder and Scully duo will both appear alongside show creator Chris Carter and writers David Amann, Vince Gilligan, Howard Gordon, Darin Morgan, Glen Morgan, John Shiban and Jim Wong at the fan convention on Thursday, July 18. Duchovny is the latest star from the series to confirm his attendance at the panel, which is expected to be one of the biggest draws at this year's Comic-Con.The X-Files was a worldwide hit in the '90s and early '00s, running for nine ... [Continua a leggere]

David Duchovny sarà alla reunion di X-Files al Comic-Con

L'attore ha accettato di far parte dell'evento in occasione del ventesimo anniversario dello show

David Duchovny ha ufficialmente accettato di partecipare al panel del Comic-Con di San Diego, in occasione del ventesimo anniversario di X-Files. Secondo quanto riportato da Tvline, l’evento, che si terrà giovedì 18 luglio, riunirà l’attore che ha interpretato Fox Mulder, Gillian Anderson, il creatore Chris Carter e i produttori e sceneggiatori David Amann, Vince Gilligan, Howard Gordon, Darin Morgan, Glen Morgan, John Shiban e Jim Wong. L’attore, ultimamente impegnato in Californication, è stato sempre legato al ruolo di Fox Mulder, tanto da dic ... [Continua a leggere]

X-Files al Comic Con 2013: confermati Gillian Anderson e David Duchovny!

Sia Gillian Anderson che David Duchovny parteciperanno al panel di X-Files al Comic Con 2013 di San Diego! Dopo l’annuncio della partecipazione della serie tv cult alla grande rassegna annuale, arriva adesso la notizia che tutti i fan stavano aspettando, ovvero la conferma della presenza dei due attori protagonisti. Ora sì che si può effettivamente parlare di reunion celebrativa.

Il Comic Con 2013 ha deciso di festeggiare il 20esimo anniversario dalla nascita di X-Files con una serie di appuntamenti dedicati alla serie tv sci-fi. Innanzitutto si terrà un panel il 18 luglio, a cui inizialmente avrebbero dovuto partecipare solo il creatore Chris Carter e altri addetti ai lavori. Tuttavia, oggi giunge la conferma che saranno presenti anche i due beniamini del pubblico Mulder e Scully, ovvero David Duchovny e Gillian Anderson. Per quanto riguarda quest’ultima, è stato il suo sito ufficiale a diffondere la lieta novella, specificando che l’attrice ... [Continua a leggere]

'X-Files' 20th Anniversary: David Duchovny And Gillian Anderson To Reunite At San Diego Comic-Con

In honor of "The X-Files'" 20th Anniversary, San Diego Comic-Con is hosting a special reunion panel featuring both David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, SDCCBlog has confirmed. The panel was originally reported to feature creator Chris Carter and other writers/producers including Vince Gilligan, David Amann, Howard Gordon, Darin Morgan, Glen Morgan, John Shiban and Jim Wong, before The Official Gillian Anderson website confirmed the actress' involvement in both the anniversary panel and a Q&A for the upcoming "X-Files" Season 10 comic book: Gillian plans to attend this year's San Diego Co ... [Continua a leggere]

Comic-Con 2013: David Duchovny confirmed for 'X-Files' 20th anniversary

Both David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson have been confirmed for the "X-Files" 20th anniversary panel at the 2013 San Diego Comic-Con. The panel will take place on Thursday, July 18 at 3:30pm in Ballroom 20.Although Gillian Anderson's attendance was confirmed by the Official Gillian Anderson website on Wednesday (June 26), this is the first full confirmation that Duchovny would in fact be joining her. The Unofficial SDCC blog first reported the news on Wednesday, July 3. Michael Schneider, the moderator of the panel, confirmed the news to the blog.If last year's "Firefly" 10th anniversary is a ... [Continua a leggere]

CONFIRMED: X-Files 20th Anniversary Panel at SDCC [UPDATE 3 - Duchovny, Anderson IN]

[UPDATE 3] We’ve reached out to TV Guide Magazine’s L.A. Bureau Chief Michael Schneider, and moderator of the X-Files 20th Anniversary Reunion Panel, who has confirmed that David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson will both be at the panel. Line up now, folks. [UPDATE 2] The Official Gillian Anderson website released a news statement confirming that Gillian Anderson will be at the TV Guide Magazine Celebrates The X-Files 20th Anniversary panel, as well as a panel for an X-Files comic book. [UPDATE] We now have confirmatio ... [Continua a leggere]



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