Archivio Stampa Glen Morgan

X-Files festeggerà il 20esimo anniversario al Comic-Con

In vista del 20esimo anniversario, che cade il 10 settembre 2013, quest’anno anche X-Files avrà un panel al Comic-Con, per l’occasione moderato da TvGuide. L’evento si terrà giovedì 18 luglio e vedrà coinvolti il creatore Chris Carter assieme agli sceneggiatori e produttori David Amann, Vince Gilligan, Howard Gordon, Darin Morgan, Glen Morgan, John Shiban e Jim Wong. Il sito ufficiale di Gillian Anderson riporta che l’ex protagonista della serie sarà presente, anche se nella lista di TvGuide, al momento, il suo nome e quello di David ... [Continua a leggere]

The X-Files 20th Anniversary Reunion Panel Set for Comic-Con

The truth is still out there...

It’s hard to believe, but The X-Files premiered 20 years ago this September. As it turns out, to celebrate the show reaching this milestone, there will be a big reunion panel next month at San Diego Comic-Con. gave us the heads up about The X-Files reunion, noting that the latest issue of TV Guide Magazine has an ad for the panel, which will take place on Thursday, July 18th and will feature series creator Chris Carter and writer/producers David Amann, Vince Gilligan, Howard Gordon, Darin Morgan, Glen Morgan, John Shiban and Jim Wong. The X-Files’ writers have been a ... [Continua a leggere]

‘The X-Files’ at 20: Chris Carter still wants to believe

It’s been 20 years since “The X-Files” opened to viewers’ wanting-to-believe eyes, and the hit paranormal investigation drama’s creator, Chris Carter, doesn’t quite know what to make of that phenomenon. “It’s surreal,” he told a sold-out crowd Sunday at the Hero Complex Film Festival shortly after entering to a standing ovation. “It’s like an X-File…. Twenty years’ missing time.” Asked what he might do differently if he made the show now, he said, “It was of its time…. You probably could make th ... [Continua a leggere]

X-Files Fight the Past and Future

Paley Fest: IGN attends a reunion of some of the most important creators from the seminal show.

The Los Angeles branch of the Paley Center for Media is currently conducting their annual William S. Paley Television Festival, AKA Paley Fest. This two-week event spotlights a group of noteworthy television series and television luminaries, with each night devoted to a different show or person. Be sure to check out the rest of IGN TV's coverage of Paley Fest 2008.While stars David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson were not in attendance, a very impressive collection of behind the scenes X-Files all-stars were gathered together for a reunion at the Paley Fest, to the delight of an incredibly enthu ... [Continua a leggere]

Paley Festival: The X-Files

From March 14th to March 27th, The Paley Center for Media is presenting the twenty-fifth annual William S. Paley Television Festival. The Paley Center, formerly the Museum of Television and Radio, says that the festival celebrates "television's rich and diverse programming and the creative process behind the medium." This year the festival included Chuck, Pushing Daisies, The Buffy the Vampire Slayer Reunion, Dirty Sexy Money among others. I've already attended the Buffy Reunion and Dirty Sexy Money (click above for those reports). Last night I went to The X-Files panel. For what happened duri ... [Continua a leggere]

2008 Paley Festival coverage: The X-Files

"The X-Files" ended its run on Fox six years ago, but its writers and producers can still grouse about working on the show like it was yesterday. The Paley Festival session on the long-running hit series featured a dozen members of the cast and crew. The overall theme of the evening was that working "The X-Files" was very hard. In terms of news value, the panel was trapped in an “X-Files”-esque netherworld: The TV show is yester-decade's news, while this summer's new "X-Files" movie is of very high interest. Yet creator Chris Carter is naturally unwilling to give any spoilers. The ... [Continua a leggere]

Morgan and Wong Return to The X-Files

In January 1995, Glen Morgan and James Wong, excited about the new show they were going to create for Fox, called Space: Above and Beyond, bid farewell to The X-Files. Although their contract called for them to return to the X-Files if Space was not picked up or was cancelled, they anticipated never returning to the show that had brought them a certain amount of fame, thanks to pivotal episodes like “Squeeze,” “Beyond the Sea,” “E.B.E.,” “Little Green Men,” and “One Breath,” and the creation of many characters – in ... [Continua a leggere]

Never say never again

In The X-Files, things are hardly ever what they seem. Unfortunately, right now, things at the show itself are precisely as they seem, as the triple Golden Globe winning show suffers from what writer/producer Vince Gilligan would describe as ‘unruhe’ – trouble; strife; unrest. Hugh Davies reports on recent troubles at Ten-Thirteen, home of The X-Files and Millennium.

Signs on The X-Files first showed signs of going south during the preparations of the fourth season when creator and executive producer Chris Carter began to devote most of his time to launching his new show, Millennium. Eager to shake off his one-hit-wonder potential (the ghost of Gene Roddenberry looming large in his eyes), Carter virtually handed The X-Files over to first season veteran Howard Gordon, despite the fact that the show had already lost Emmy award-winning cinematographer John S. Bartley, visual effects supervisor Mat Beck and writer Darin Morgan at the end of se ... [Continua a leggere]

Family Ties

The show’s basic premise turns on a family tragedy, tracing Mulder and Scully’s backstory.

I once had the opportunity to ask what Glen Morgan thought about Chris Carter killing off Melissa Scully, because personally, that REALLY pissed me off! He told me that most networks have what’s called “character payments”. If a character that a writer created returns in another episode, they get a couple hundred bucks. This doesn’t happen on FOX, so there goes any cash for the Lone Gunmen, Skinner, Tooms, Scully’s Ma…etc. “If we did get character payments, I would have been more bummed that they killed Melissa. Now I just feel bad for M ... [Continua a leggere]

The writing and producing team of Glen Morgan and James Wong on helping define Carter’s vision

The writing and producing team of Glen Morgan and James Wong spent a year and a half on The X-Files before departing to create their own show for Fox (the upcoming Space: Above and Beyond), but during their time on staff they gave birth to some of the X-Files’ most memorable moments and characters. The Lone Gunmen, Tooms, Luther Lee Boggs, Skinner and William, Margaret and Melissa Scully are all Morgan and Wong creations. Their episodes also helped to define The X-Files as not just about UFOs and aliens, and they expanded the characters by developing their backstories and ... [Continua a leggere]


For Glen Morgan and James Wong, the truth isn’t out there. It’s in their word processors.

They lurk in the shadows, out of sight, silently watching to see if they can scare you, shock you and send you to bed with disturbing dreams. Could it be a case for those pursuers of the paranormal, The X-Files’ Fox Mulder and Dana Scully? Well, no. The lurkers are two guys from sunny San Diego, California – Glen Morgan and James Wong, scriptwriters and co-executive producers for the Fox Network’s The X-Files, and lying low, says Morgan, is just what he and Wong should be doing. “Writers belong in some dark corner, watching,” he says, paraphrasing n ... [Continua a leggere]

Chat with The X-Stars, from AOL

OnlineHost: Copyright 1994 America Online, Inc. All rights reserved. OnlineHost: Center Stage is the largest gathering place on the service, bringing celebrity guests right into your home, and offering a host of entertainment events led by a team of talented emcees. It's capable of accommodating hundreds of guests an d is truly the showplace of the service. OnlineHost: Experiment with the menu. You'll find many powerful options including one which permits you to interact with other members present in the Auditorium. The interaction "rows" text is prefaced by a number shown in parentheses: (1 ... [Continua a leggere]



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