Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny made their Comic-Con Ballroom 20 entrance on Thursday among darkness, with flashlights in hand, to celebrate The X-Files‘ 20th anniversary and survey the show’s future. (Yes, we said future.) They were joined by a star-studded lineup of writers/EPs – creator Chris Carter, Vince Gilligan (Breaking Bad), Howard Gordon (Homeland) and John Shiban (Hell on Wheels), to name a few – to reminiscence about Mulder and Scully’s relationship and more. ‘SHIPPER ALERT | What are Anderson’s thoughts on the characters, now that 2 ... [Continua a leggere]
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What was it about the screenplay that drew you to this project? I think it was the intrigue of the story, the thriller aspect of it. You don’t really know what’s going on. I had to read it three or four times. Who is trying to do what? What does the Phantom do? What is my operation? What is their operation? It was fascinating to see how Todd [writer, director] worked it out. Some people might view your character as a villain? He is kind of a KGB operative. His mission is pretty much to destroy half of the world. There has to be some kind of psychological process going on ... [Continua a leggere]
Exclusive: Chris Carter, creator and executive producer of Fox’s long running series The X-Files, re-entered the world of television this past development cycle, or at least he tried to. Carter had a drama project known as Unique set up at indie studio Media Rights Capital. Hollywood was all abuzz when news broke that Carter would be floating a new TV project, after having largely been off the scene since the conclusion of The X-Files and feature film sequel I Want To Believe (there was even talk of a third X-Files film). But after having what several network sources described as &ldquo ... [Continua a leggere]
“Full-motion video? Hey, it’s just like watching the show!”
Who made it?:HyperBole Studios (Developer), Fox Interactive (Publisher).Genre: Point-and-Click Adventure.Platforms: PC, PlayStation.Format: PC CD-ROM/optical disc.Release date: May 31 1998 (PC), September 1999 (PlayStation). Some of you might be too young to remember the X-Fever of the 90s, but it was really something. A niche sci-fi show that went from cult worship to worldwide ratings hit, The X-Files was an amazing staple of television when it started, managing to tell some truly memorable stories in its first five seasons. Its mix of freak-of-the-week plotlines and conspiracy theories m ... [Continua a leggere]
La portata rivoluzionaria della serie, l´ipotesi terzo film, il parere dei fan e tanto altro ancora sono i protagonisti di questa piacevole intervista con la web master di Beyond the sea, il sito web punto di riferimento degli appassionati di X-Files.
FOX in America ieri ha festeggiato 25 anni di serie televisive. Nella lunga storia del canale della volpe c’è stata una grande serie che ha rivoluzionato il modo di concepire e realizzare un’opera ad episodi. Stiamo parlando ovviamente di X-Files che, come abbiamo già scritto da queste parti, potrebbe tornare col terzo film dopo le nove incredibili stagioni che si sono succedute dal 1993 al 2002. Per ricordare i grandi meriti della serie e parlare dell’eventuale terza pellicola abbiamo deciso di fare una chiacchierata con Francesca Marchini, la webmaster dell&rs ... [Continua a leggere]
Frank Spotnitz talks to Screen about new UK spy-thriller series Hunted - produced by Kudos and BBC - and the UK as an exciting hub for big-budget TV.
The X-Files writer Frank Spotnitz was at MIPTV this week to discuss his new UK spy series Hunted, produced by Kudos Film & Television and the BBC for BBC One in the UK and HBO sister channel Cinemax in the US. Hunted, directed by SJ Clarkson, sees Melissa George star as a British spy working for a private intelligence agency. After an attempt on her life by a colleague, George’s character Sam goes undercover not knowing who tried to kill her or who to trust. Adam Rayner, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje and Stephen Dillane co-star in the thriller which according to US writer Spotnitz has a ... [Continua a leggere]
The "X-Files" writer and the show’s lead actress sit down with THR to talk about one of the market's most talked about new shows.
You wouldn't know it to look at her, but Australian actress Melissa George — sitting under the sun poolside in Cannes bejeweled in Chanel — is sore from head to toe. “I can’t close my right fist,” she said, adding of her intense fight scenes: “I get really into it. I cant even remember the next day after a fight scene how violent it was, but I know from muscle spasms in my neck the next day.” As the lead in X-Files creator Frank Spotnitz’ latest small screen venture Hunted, George plays Sam, a spy who has just escaped an assassinati ... [Continua a leggere]
Gillian Anderson goes Gothic as Miss Havisham on ‘Great Expectations’
Anyone who remembers Gillian Anderson from her days as the attractive Dana Scully on “The X-Files” is in for quite a shock when they see her as Miss Havisham, the jilted bride of “Great Expectations” and one of Charles Dickens’ most unforgettable characters. Anderson is unrecognizable: She wears a tattered, yellowing wedding dress. Her hair, matted with unkempt ringlet curls, is the wreckage of an upswept “do.” Her skin, ghostly white, is marred by cracked lips. As played by Anderson, Havisham is in a state of decay as awful as the rotting English man ... [Continua a leggere]
The actress talks mad Miss Havisham, plus X-FILES
Charles Dickens’ novel GREAT EXPECTATIONS is considered one of the classics of Western literature. It has been adapted in many versions for stage, film and television. Now PBS is broadcasting its co-production with the BBC of a new miniseries adaptation of GREAT EXPECTATIONS in its Masterpiece Theatre Classic showcase, with one hour tonight at 9 PM and two hours next Sunday, also starting at 9 PM. For those unfamiliar with the story, financially disadvantaged nineteenth-century youth Pip (Douglas Booth) is bankrolled by a mysterious benefactor. He falls in love with the beautiful E ... [Continua a leggere]

Given the perpetual seriousness of Agent Dana Scully, it should have come as a surprise to no one when Gillian Anderson made the post-X-Files decision to step into deeper dramatic waters, appearing in a London production of Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House as well as television adaptations of such literary fare as Charles Dickens’ Bleak House and Herman Melville’s Moby Dick. But appearing in Johnny English Reborn? Now that was unexpected. Anderson’s latest role, which finds her working closer to anticipated form, is Miss Havisham in Great Expectations, which airs on ... [Continua a leggere]
Si avvicina a grandi passi un importante anniversario televisivo: i 25 anni Fox Tv, la cui prima trasmissione è andata in onda in Usa il 5 aprile 1987. All’epoca Fox Channel era la quarta rete nazionale, venuta a rompere il solido oligopolio delle tre sorelle: ABC, CBS e NBC, guadagnando anno dopo anno la leadership dell’audience tra la fascia di pubblico più giovane. Missione compiuta grazie a serie culto come X-Files, anch’essa vicina ad un importante traguardo: i 20 anni dalla prima puntata. Nove stagioni per un totale di 202 episodi, in onda negli Stati Unit ... [Continua a leggere]
PBS's long-running Masterpiece franchise is suddenly cool again, thanks to Downton Abbey, Sherlock, and some new dusted-off Dickens adaptations, the most recent of which features a ravishing Miss Havisham, played by Gillian Anderson. The British-American* actress, much beloved by American audiences for her stint as Dana Scully on The X-Files, previously portrayed Lady Dedlock in Bleak House. Now, for Great Expectations, she's a white-haired wonder who wears her moldering old wedding dress as a reminder of the long-ago day she was jilted at the altar. This adaptation is a salute to the bicenten ... [Continua a leggere]
Gillian Anderson, famous for 'The X-Files,' stuns as Miss Havisham in Sunday’s 'Great Expecations.' She tells Jace Lacob about turning down 'Downton Abbey,' her British accent—and possibly playing Scully again.
Gillian Anderson is no stranger to strange worlds. The former star of The X-Files, which became a worldwide hit and spawned two feature films, Anderson has, for now anyway, traded in Dana Scully’s FBI-issued handgun and severe suits for the tight-laced corsets and flowing frocks of such period dramas as Bleak House, The House of Mirth, Tristram Shandy: A Cock and Bull Story, The Crimson Petal and the White, Moby Dick, and Any Human Heart, in which she played a deliciously conniving Wallace Simpson, complete with a false nose. But it’s Anderson’s jaw-dropping turn as Miss Hav ... [Continua a leggere]
Hard to believe that it's been almost a decade since the weekly adventures of FBI Agents Mulder and Scully left TV screens. And almost 15 years since the Bundy clan took their familial misery off the air. But the casts of both shows will soon be reuniting to celebrate an even more surprising milestone: the Fox network's first 25 years on the air. "Fox's 25th Anniversary Special" is set to air April 22 and will include appearances from David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson of "The X-Files" (along with creator Chris Carter) as well as every member of the Bundy house: Ed O'Neill, Katey Segal, Chri ... [Continua a leggere]
Fox's plans to celebrate its 25th anniversary with a prime-time special and a limited revival of its breakthrough sketch-comedy series In Living Color are starting to take shape. Vulture hears that silver anniversary special producer Don Mischer has booked The X-Files stars David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, along with creator Chris Carter, for a segment in which they'll finally answer every remaining question about the show's many mysteries. (Okay, we made that last part up.) Mischer has also put together a Married ... With Children reunion featuring all four core cast members: Ed O'Neill, ... [Continua a leggere]