The truth is still out there. We still want to believe. And maybe - just maybe - Dana Scully will reunite with Fox Mulder for another crack at The X-Files. Gillian Anderson is certainly willing to bring back her most famous character, who teamed up with David Duchovny's Mulder for the TV show and two feature films, 1998's The X-Files: Fight the Future and 2008's The X-Files: I Want to Believe. The X-Files creator Chris Carter has been "writing (a script for a third film) for a while," Anderson said during interviews for the shot-in-Toronto TV series Hannibal, in which she plays a psychothera ... [Continua a leggere]
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Last month, IDW Publishing announced its plans for an ongoing series based on "The X-Files," one of the biggest sci-fi televisions eries of all time, airing for 9 seasons and inspiring two feature-length films starring David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson as paranormal investigators working for the FBI. Today at Emerald City Comic Con, IDW announced writer Joe Harris and artist Michael Walsh as the creative team responsible for the further adventures of agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. Beyond that, Harris told CBR News that original "X-Files" creator Chris Carter is executive producing the n ... [Continua a leggere]
IDW and Twentieth Century Fox Consumer Products Announce Creative Team and Direction for THE X-FILES
Chris Carter returns to Executive-Produce "Season 10"
San Diego, CA (March 3, 2013) - Fans of The X-FILES and the paranormal exploits of Special Agents Mulder and Scully are in for a treat! Today at Emerald City Comic-Con, IDW Publishing and Twentieth Century Fox Consumer Products announced the creative team for their upcoming comics based on the legendary television series. The entire project will be executive produced by THE X-FILES creator Chris Carter, who is returning in an active role to help steer his characters back to the forefront of popular culture once again. THE X-FILES: SEASON 10 will be written by&nbs ... [Continua a leggere]
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the groundbreaking, conspiracy-promoting, cult favorite television series The X-Files. In celebration of the anniversary, Emerald City Comicon brought actor Gillian Anderson to Seattle for a question-and-answer session. Moderated by Buddy Levy of The History Channel’s Brad Meltzer’s Decoded, Anderson answered fan questions about her X-Files role as Dana Scully, her work in voice acting and stepping into the past with Charles Dickens. Anderson credits her work on The X-Files for her subsequent success as an actress. “When I got [th ... [Continua a leggere]
A mysterious missing-submarine episode from the height of the Cold War comes alive in "Phantom"
Am I seriously nominating an old-school, low-budget submarine thriller, with Ed Harris and David Duchovny playing Russians, as my favorite movie of the week? I know it’s a little eccentric, but sure I am. For one thing, I’ve already aired my objections to Park Chan-wook’s unintentionally campy Goth-drama “Stoker,” which is no doubt a better film on various technical and theoretical levels but also felt fundamentally empty. But even given its overly familiar story about a Soviet sub going rogue at a moment of heightened Cold War tension, writer-director Todd Robins ... [Continua a leggere]
You don’t need to sneak your way into the ancient “X Files.” David Duchovny is an open book when you ask him a highly personal question: Why is it that the gossip always had him feuding with his TV co-star Gillian Anderson? “You tell me why,” Duchovny says with a laugh during a phone interview from his New York home. “We’re great friends. In fact, last year the tabloids had us living together, so maybe we turned the corner. “Some guy passed me on the streets the other day and actually said, ‘Is it true? Are you living with Gillian?&rsquo ... [Continua a leggere]
L’attore, disposto a indossare nuovamente i panni di Fox Mulder nel terzo film di X-files, invita i fan a scrivere alla produzione
David Duchovny, attualmente impegnato in Californication, non dimentica le origini e il ruolo di Fox Mulder in X-files. L’attore, nonostante abbia ribadito più volte il proprio desiderio di ritornare ad interpretare il noto agente dell’FBI sul grande schermo, ha rilasciato un’altra importante intervista a riguardo all’Hollywood reporter: “Siamo disposti a fare il terzo film della serie. Io, Gillian Anderson e Chris Carter siamo sempre pronti a realizzare il progetto. Dovreste scrivere alla FOX e chiederne la realizzazione. Io interpreterò Fox Mulder ... [Continua a leggere]
HOLLYWOOD—It’s been a long day of interviews for David Duchovny, but the former “X-Files” and current “Californication” star sees the light at the end of the tunnel. Just two more interviews…and then it’s time for a whole new round of questions on the red carpet for the premiere of his latest movie “Phantom,” a based-on-true-events story about a decades old incident involving a Russian nuclear sub that nearly set off World War III. The divorced actor—he previously was married to actress Tea Leoni with whom he has two children& ... [Continua a leggere]
David Duchovny on turning 50, what he knows now and tips on how to feel great
WHAT DO YOU KNOW NOW THAT YOU DIDN'T KNOW AT 20? DAVID DUCHOVNY, star of "Californication" and the new film "Phantom" There is no one nicer and smarter than actor David Duchovny who starred for nine seasons on "The X Files" and now has a new submarine thriller out Friday called "Phantom." Now that he has (unbelievably) hit the big 5-Oh, I asked what he knows now and how to feel great at any age. He knows not to fret about age and the number on his driver's license. David says, "When you're an actor, people talk to you about your age. They talk about it so much that they're kind of used to ... [Continua a leggere]
"I'll play Fox Mulder forever," the actor says on Wednesday's "Tonight Show."
Good news, X-Files fans: David Duchovny isn't ready to say goodbye to Fox Mulder. The actor, who now stars on Showtime's Californication, says he continues to hold out hope of making a third movie. "We always want to," he told Jay Leno in an interview on Wednesday's The Tonight Show. "[Creator] Chris Carter and [co-star] Gillian Anderson and I, we're always on board." Duchovny, who has previously expressed interest in doing a third film, then encouraged fans to start a letter-writing campaign to the studio to make it happen. "You want to write Fox and get 'em going…, ... [Continua a leggere]
La storia della potenziale serie sarà sviluppata dallo showrunner di Life
Non solo Hannibal per Gillian Anderson. L’ex protagonista di X-Files, dopo aver firmato per tre episodi della nuova serie di Bryan Fuller, ha raggiunto un accordo con NBC per un nuovo ruolo in un pilot ideato e sviluppato da Rand Ravinch (Life). La potenziale serie, che non ha ancora un titolo, sarà incentrata su un agente dei servizi segreti che tiene in custodia il figlio del presidente degli Stati Uniti. Quando quest’ultimo viene rapito insieme ad altri suoi compagni di scuola, scatta una missione per recuperare tutti i ragazzi coinvolti. A dirigere le operazioni sar&agra ... [Continua a leggere]
Galeotto fu l’ingaggio in Hannibal. L’ex protagonista di X-Files Gillian Anderson, a breve in un arco di episodi della nuova serie di Bryan Fuller, ha firmato nuovamente con NBC per uno dei ruoli principali nel pilota del drama senza titolo che l’ideatore di Life Rand Ravich sta sviluppando per il network. Al cast si è unita anche Rachael Taylor, reduce dalla breve avventura in 666 Park Avenue di ABC. La descrizione del progetto recita: “Quando uno dei giocatori più potenti di Washington - il Presidente degli Stati Uniti d’America - resta coinvolto ... [Continua a leggere]
Gillian Anderson è prontissima a tornare in tv. L’attrice è appena stata scritturata per prendere parte a un pilot della NBC, di una serie tv di genere thriller. Il progetto è ancora senza nome, ma viene descritto come un telefilm dalle forti tinte spionistiche e cospirazionistiche, che coinvolgerà anche i corridoi dell’FBI. Vi ricorda qualcosa?
Al centro della trama vi sarà un misterioso soggetto che terrà in scacco l’intera nazione degli Stati Uniti, dai dirigenti aziendali al Presidente, minacciando quanto hanno di più caro.La Anderson interpreterà Meg Fitch, amministratore delegato di una compagnia e madre di un’adolescente. La donna resterà sconvolta nell’apprendere del rapimento dell’intera classe scolastica della figlia, studentessa di un istituto privato.Meg ricorrerà a qualunque risorsa a sua disposizione per ritrovare la ragazza, senza fermarsi davanti a nulla ... [Continua a leggere]
L'attrice ha firmato per collaborare con il pilot firmato da Rand Ravich; nel cast anche Rachael Taylor.
Una nuova cospirazione per Gillian Anderson, stavolta a base di ricatti e politici corrotti piuttosto che incontri ravvicinati del terzo tipo e colonizzazioni aliene. L'attrice ha accettato l'invito di Rand Ravich per recitare nel pilot che ha creato per la NBC, un progetto ancora senza titolo; la trama segue le vicende di un "improbabile burattinaio" che tira le fila di svariati personaggi politici a Washington DC, compreso il Presidente degli Stati Uniti, grazie a una serie di informazioni riservate in suo possesso. La Anderson è stata ingaggiata per il ruolo di Meg, una CEO di succes ... [Continua a leggere]
Today in (non-Oscar) show business news: Everyone's favorite fake FBI agent might soon be back on American TV, Michael Jackson's son continues his professional development, and Maya Rudolph wants to do a variety show.
Brace yourself, nerds: Your beloved Agent Scully may be returning to American series television. Yes, Gillian Anderson, who fled to England after The X-Files ended and has only returned to our shores for the odd installment Masterpiece Theater or indie movie, has signed on to costar in an NBC pilot. Funnily enough, the show is about an FBI agent, but alas, Anderson isn't playing her. Rachael Taylor, late of 666 Park Avenue, will be playing that role, while Anderson is her estranged sister, the CEO of a huge conglomerate. The two reunite when Anderson's daughter is kidnapped along with the ... [Continua a leggere]