Archivio Stampa X-Files News (USA)

TCA 2018: 'The X-Files' Panel

As part of the TCA Winter sessions, FOX organized a studio day for the journalists involved in the traditional gathering for the press. This Q&A had been advertised to be with the attendance of David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, Mitch Pileggi, and Chris Carter. Due to the current mudslide and storm situation in Montecito and Santa Barbara areas, Carter had to skip the event but producers Glen Morgan, Darin Morgan and Jim Wong stepped up to be part of the panel. After the presentation of the latest trailer of the new season, the different members of the press took turns to inquire about th ... [Continua a leggere]

Annabeth Gish: "I Believe in Her... In Monica."

Last Saturday, after having a whole week to process the fandom’s reaction to “My Struggle II”, I sat down with Annabeth Gish to fangirl, I mean, talk… about the episode and the aftermath of such shocking revelations. Especially one that left the whole fandom in shock. Click after the jump for more. “What were your thoughts when Chris Carter came to you and presented what was to be Monica’s story?” I ask. “It was concerning to me when I first read it,” Annabeth begins. “But as an actress, you know, my job is to play the elements or ... [Continua a leggere]

Chris Carter: "All of Your Questions Will be Answered."

When you hit such monumental season finales, there’s no other way to get answers to many questions than going to the source. It just so happens that when you’re looking for answers about The X-Files, the only source is Chris Carter. No biggie. Eleven months to the date that Season 10 got greenlit, I shared a conversation with him about the aftermath of the episode, the reactions and more.   “I’m still not quite sure what the reactions are.” He starts. “I heard people feel cheated but I’m not sure what they expect with The X-Files. I think they& ... [Continua a leggere]

Conference Call with Chris Carter

Transcript (Slight adjustments were made to cut out issues with audio interference.) Moderator: Our first question comes from the line of Jamie Ruby with SciFi Vision. Please go ahead. Jamie: SciFi Vision. Hi, Chris. Thanks for talking to us. Really appreciate it. Great to talk to you again. CC: You’re welcome. Jamie: First, I just want to say I’ve been a huge fan of the show from the beginning. I really loved the first three episodes that they let us watch. My first question kind of is a part from the old series, a part from the new series. It kind of goes with both. I was won ... [Continua a leggere]

XFN Exclusive: Chris Carter on #XFilesRevival

There's just so many people that you'd want to talk to at this moment in X-Files history; the first of which is the show's creator, Mr. Chris Carter. This conversation takes place on March 25th, 2015 as he drives down the California coast and as I sit 3,938 miles away, by my desk with a weak cup of coffee. After the deserved congratulations are exchanged, I tell him that we need to know just how excited he is to come back to The X-Files. "I'm very excited." Carter starts. "I've known about (the greenlight) for quite a long time, the negotiations took so many months, I can't believe it! They w ... [Continua a leggere]

XFN Exclusive Interview: Frank Spotnitz

It’s been an exciting year for X-Files fans. We’ve enjoyed unprecedented access to stars and producers, made new friends around the world, and of course, got to see Mulder and Scully together again. Now, weeks before the Dec. 2 DVD/Blu-Ray release of “I Want to Believe,” our constant and touchstone Frank Spotnitz talks with XFN about critics, the year 2012, and serendipitously dining with Rupert Murdoch. We last spoke at the "I Want to Believe" premiere in Los Angeles. Since then, what has been your impression of fan and critic reaction to the film? The fan r ... [Continua a leggere]

XFN Exclusive: Spencer Maybee Interview

The newest guest star to be added to the as yet untitled second X-Files motion picture is none other than writer, producer and actor Spencer Maybee. The Toronto native, who plays the father of terminally ill Christian in the latest installment of the X-Files franchise, charmed the pants of the XFN staff. XFN contributor gunmetal had the opportunity to talk to Maybee about rugby, music and that certain X-Files movie. Additionally, Spencer even provided us with two pictures -- the short haired one is his look for the movie! XFN: What was it like to film at the famously haunted Riverview Hospita ... [Continua a leggere]

XFN Exclusive: New Frank Spotnitz Interview

What do you do when given the opportunity to ask Frank Spotnitz 5 questions? Ask him 15, of course! (He kindly obliged us with XFN contributor gunmetal was able to put some long over due questions to the XF2 co-writer and executive producer about the show and life after the X-Files.... on one condition....XF2 was off limits (not that we didn't try). "I think it's in our struggles that we all find satisfaction and - sometimes - contentment." However, Frank did answer those Requiem kiss rumors and shared his thoughts on the fans, our questing heroes and the show. Click the 'read more' link bel ... [Continua a leggere]

XFN's play by play

Since everything is crashing around us, I'll see if i can post some play by play here.  XFN will have an official report done up tomorrow or Monday.(I will be updating this as time goes on, so simply keep an eye on this article...) These updates coming from Erin..(and good lord repeating this i feel like CNN on sept 11th.)1. TRAILER! OMG the crowd is going CRAZY.2. CC is taking pics of the crowd! 3. GA was just talking. people are cracking up. First question: what was it like getting back into the roles of mulder and scully? 4. GA answered first, DD second - right now. I can't make out ex ... [Continua a leggere]



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