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Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny on Richard and Judy

Richard: Good timing, because she’s starting on the day that after years and years and years of us trying, we have finally get David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson live on the show. They are sitting over there. Those two have dropped in on their way to the premiere of the new X-Files movie. Now I saw it this morning, I’m telling you, it’s really, really good. You need strong nerves and even stronger stomach. David and Gillian are here now. This whole concept is very X-Files, we’ll come to that. But it is a coincidence that we have Agents Mulder and Scully here, the actor ... [Continua a leggere]

Gillian Anderson on Jimmy Kimmel Live

JK: Our first guest tonight is a Golden Globe, Screen Actor's Guild, and Emmy award winning actor for her as FBI Special Agent Dana Scully, and is the world record holder for most restraining orders held against obsessed sci-fi fans than any person i history. You can see her now in the new movie The X-Files: I Want to Believe, please say hello to Gillian Anderson!*audience cheers wildly*GA: *pointing to Uncle Frank* I love your uncle!JK: Normally you only get that kind enthusiasm when an Iglesias shows up. So, congratulations, great to have you here.GA: Thank you very much.JK: Did my uncle bot ... [Continua a leggere]

Gillian Anderson on Late Show with David Letterman

DL: I saw you in the movie and I just told her what I'll tell you, she’s tremendous, just tremendous.GA: Thank you. Thank you very much!DL: What a wonderful actress you are. What a wonderful actor you are.GA: Thank you very much.DL: Nice job.GA: Are you sucking up to me?DL: Yeah, *laughs*. But it looks to me that maybe... *pointing at her stomach*GA: Like somebody else has sucked up to me? *everyone laughs*DL: I guess so.GA: Wait wait wait...DL: And it worked!GA: Yeah it did.DL: Apparently it worked.GA: But let me...Speaking of, do you remember what happened last time I was on the show?D ... [Continua a leggere]

Gillian Anderson on Tonight Show with Jay Leno

Leno: Very excited to have our first guest. It's been a while since she was here, we are happy to have her back. She's staring in the highly anticipated summer movie, The X-Files: I Want to Believe, which opens nationwide this Friday, please welcome Gillian Anderson. Have a seat! How you feeling?GA: At least I could see you.Leno: I would ask you what you've been up to, but it's pretty obvious (pointing at her stomach).GA: What are you talking about?Leno: Here you go.GA: What are you talking about?Leno: Congratulations. Well you've been drinking that's what it is.GA: *Laughs* Lots of water.Leno ... [Continua a leggere]


THE STARS OF THE X FILES: The long anticipated X-Files movie hits the box-office on July 25th. While the film’s story line is being kept under tight wraps, it has been revealed that the story line focuses around the complicated relationship between David Duchovny’s Fox Mulder and Gillian Anderson’s Dana Scully. The stars of the TV show and film will speak to EARLY SHOW Entertainment Contributor and People Magazine Senior Editor Jess Cagle about reprising their roles on the big screen. We’ll see if we can uncover more details about this mysterious film… The ... [Continua a leggere]

Interview with Chris Carter

VG: Chris Carter is with me as The X-Files launches its 7th season, November the 7th – that’s a bit late if you ask me. But, unfortunately the new series “Harsh Realm,” just got whacked after three episodes, and we can’t figure out just why that is – but I will say, Mr. Carter, sir, that you’re as big a star as the people that are on your show. Isn’t it weird how that happens? CC: Ha – [laughs] hardly. Not today, at least. VG: What happened, with Harsh Realm? CC: It just didn’t get the ratings they had hoped, it d ... [Continua a leggere]

The Tonight Show with Jay Leno with David Duchovny

Jay Leno: Okay, my first guest stars in the very popular show, "X-Files." [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] Of course, it is now a movie. "The X-Files" opens June 19th. Please welcome David Duchovny! [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] [PLAYING THE THEME TO THE "X-FILES"] [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] JL: Have a seat. Good to see you. [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] You look good. You look in Shape! David Duchovny: Yeah. [EXTENDED CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] It sounds like we got most of the "Re" here today. [They had just shown a clip of people who didn't know the pledge of allegiance-- ... [Continua a leggere]



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