BBC Two’s new five episode drama series The Fall, arguably one of the most eagerly anticipated new series of 2013, kicks off on RTE One on Sunday May 12th at 9:30pm, BBC Two on Monday May 13th at 9pm and will air on Netflix in the United States from May 28th. The series hails from Prime Suspect scribe Allan Cubitt and production company Artists Studio and features a star studded cast which includes Gillian Anderson (The X-Files), Jamie Dornan (Once Upon A Time), John Lynch (The Jury) and Archie Panjabi (The Good Wife). The basic story of the series is that of two hunters: ... [Continua a leggere]
Archivio Stampa The Fall
Gillian Anderson plays a British detective hunting for a serial killer.
IN THE first episode of The Fall, Gillian Anderson’s police investigator Stella Gibbons is a woman on a mission. After spotting a handsome police officer she likes the look of, she demands to be introduced – and then purposefully tells him which hotel room she is staying in. It’s a far cry from prim FBI agent Dana Scully, who spent years in The X-Files refusing to get too close to her partner Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) before she finally gave in to her feelings. “When I’ve been asked about the differences between the two of them, suddenly it occurred to me that ... [Continua a leggere]
TV bosses expect it to cash in on the success of ITV’s Broadchurch which pulled nine million viewers in its final episode
Gillian Anderson says she can replace Helen Mirren as a new queen of the TV thriller in a BBC drama she thinks is the next Prime Suspect. The X Files star, 44, is convinced her character Detective Superintendent Stella Gibson in The Fall will be on screen for years to come and could cash in on viewers love of murder series’ following the huge success of Broadchurch. The final of Broadchurch drew over nine million viewers on ITV and many of them will enjoy watching Stella track down a serial killer next month on BBC2. Speaking about the tense new drama, Gillian said: “I have al ... [Continua a leggere]
Gillian Anderson revealed she has been looking for a series like The Fall
Gillian Anderson has revealed she has always wanted to play a character like Prime Suspect's Jane Tennison, and feels she has found that in new drama The Fall. The X-Files star plays Detective Superintendent Stella Gibson in the new BBC crime drama about a serial killer, played by model and actor Jamie Dornan. In an unusual twist, the suspense thriller reveals Jamie's character to be the murderer from the beginning, and the audience follow his dual life as a father and husband by day and psychopath by night. The story also follows Gillian's character's investigation into a series of murders. ... [Continua a leggere]
TO millions of fans, Gillian Anderson will always be alien investigator Dana Scully. But these days the former X-Files star is a London school-run mum - and she's joining the ranks of the terrestrial TV detectives
Let's put the truth out there: Gillian Anderson has never looked better. Dressed all in black, in tight jeans and a polo-neck jumper, she wears her hair scraped back in a ponytail that shows off flawless skin and those famous cheekbones. You'd never believe she was 44.She's relaxed, too, and instantly chatty, with no hint of the "spiky and serious" person she's claimed to be in the past. When she speaks - in the English accent she adopts on these shores - she's considered and thoughtful, but very aware of the clock and the minutes ticking away before she must leave to pick up her two youngest ... [Continua a leggere]
From impromptu picnics to pagan cerimonies, four famous faces tell Carrie Mitchell how they mark special moments in their lives
Actress Gillian Anderson, 44, lives in East London with her daughter Piper, 18, from her first marriage, and her sons, Oscar, six, and Felix, four, from her past relationship with business man Mark Griffiths. I realized a few years ago that I didn’t honour special moments enough. The X-Files was a popular show, and there was a period when we just kept getting nominated for awards. But it was too much for me to take in, and I remember sitting at award ceremonies with this frozen smile on my face, just feeling like a mannequin. Nowadays, I’m far more appreciative of things such as ... [Continua a leggere]
Andrew Duncan has a rough-and-tumble interview with Gillian Anderson - star of new BBC2 drama The Fall - and rather enjoys it. Sort of.
My encounter with Gillian Anderson is a lively joust - with a constantly uncertain outcome. She arrives, punctual to the second, at the London hotel where we rneet, unencumbered by that ubiquitous and stultifying accoutrement of fame - the agent or PR person. But during our interview there will be a few times when I fear she might throw her glass of water over me and walk out. At 44, the acclaimed actress is a gorgeus, petite, blonde bundle of contradictions, warm yet reticent. One moment she's friendly, guileless, almost girlie; the next, edgy and suspicious. She says the problem is that it's ... [Continua a leggere]
Gillian Anderson is an interested woman - books, history, and heroines. She'd debate the word "lady", though.
Do you think the definition of what it means to be a lady has changed? How would you define it? I don't know if I would be so bold as to define it. I think that there are more examples of women being allowed to be complicated in popular culture, which is where we end up getting our cues as to how it's OK to be in society. It feels like, even though there seem to be attempts to drag us backwards in the political realm, in the cultural realm it feels like [progress]. We're seeing examples of complex, more interesting and less two-dimensional women. I'm talking about women, not ladies - ... [Continua a leggere]

The award-winning actress talks about life, death and her most challenging year yet
We're sitting in a hotel restaurant in London. Gillian Anderson has been on PsychoIogies' cover twice before but we've personally never met, though anyone watching us - the kisses she greets me with, the relaxed way she wants to know how things are in my life - would be forgiven for thinking we had.The last time we spoke to the 44-year-old, Chicago-born actress was two years ago, and things were very different for her than they are today. Then she seemed happy with long-term partner Mark Griffiths, with whom she has two young sons. But within a matter of months they would separate, and her you ... [Continua a leggere]
Andrew Duncan has a rough-and-tumble interview with Gillian Anderson — star of new BBC2 drama The Fall — and rather enjoys it. Sort of.
My encounter with Gillian Anderson is a lively joust—with a constantly uncertain outcome. She arrives, punctual to the second, at the London hotel where we meet, unencumbered by that ubiquitous and stultifying accoutrement of fame—the agent or PR person. But during our interview there will be a few times when I fear she might throw her glass of water over me and walk out. At 44, the acclaimed actress is a gorgeous, petite, blonde bundle of contradictions, warm yet reticent. One moment she’s friendly, guileless, almost girlie; the next, edgy and suspicious. S ... [Continua a leggere]
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the groundbreaking, conspiracy-promoting, cult favorite television series The X-Files. In celebration of the anniversary, Emerald City Comicon brought actor Gillian Anderson to Seattle for a question-and-answer session. Moderated by Buddy Levy of The History Channel’s Brad Meltzer’s Decoded, Anderson answered fan questions about her X-Files role as Dana Scully, her work in voice acting and stepping into the past with Charles Dickens. Anderson credits her work on The X-Files for her subsequent success as an actress. “When I got [th ... [Continua a leggere]
Gillian Anderson plays an enigmatic detective in BBC's suspenceful new mini-series The Fall
On the wall of the Zetter hotel in Clerkenwell is a rnonochrorne painting of a pale, raven-haired woman. She is wearing a corseted ballgown that becomes, from the waist down, an elaboratebird cage.Staring darkly out at the viewer, she holds a dagger aloft. I tell Gillian Anderson - who sits in front of the painting, slight blonde, in black jeans and a blue silk shirt - that the woman strikes rne as exactly the kind of tormented part she would play. 'You're absolutely right,' she says, beaming.The gulf between Anderson, 44. and the characters she portrays on-screen verges on comic. She is cele ... [Continua a leggere]
Gillian Anderson è prontissima a tornare in tv. L’attrice è appena stata scritturata per prendere parte a un pilot della NBC, di una serie tv di genere thriller. Il progetto è ancora senza nome, ma viene descritto come un telefilm dalle forti tinte spionistiche e cospirazionistiche, che coinvolgerà anche i corridoi dell’FBI. Vi ricorda qualcosa?
Al centro della trama vi sarà un misterioso soggetto che terrà in scacco l’intera nazione degli Stati Uniti, dai dirigenti aziendali al Presidente, minacciando quanto hanno di più caro.La Anderson interpreterà Meg Fitch, amministratore delegato di una compagnia e madre di un’adolescente. La donna resterà sconvolta nell’apprendere del rapimento dell’intera classe scolastica della figlia, studentessa di un istituto privato.Meg ricorrerà a qualunque risorsa a sua disposizione per ritrovare la ragazza, senza fermarsi davanti a nulla ... [Continua a leggere]
The BBC today announces it will launch BBC Two HD at 6am on Tuesday 26 March. BBC Two HD will be available on Sky HD (169), Freeview HD/YouView (102), Virgin Media (187), Freesat HD (109) and BT Vision (852).
The announcement follows the successful launch of BBC One HD on 3 November 2010. BBC Two HD will replace the existing BBC HD Channel and will be available subscription-free on all digital television platforms offering HD channels. Janice Hadlow, Controller of BBC Two, says: “BBC One HD has already proved to be highly valued by our audiences and I’m delighted that we’re able to follow this with the launch of BBC Two in HD. The launch of BBC Two HD will allow us to showcase more of our programmes at their very best – helping to highlight our commitment to high q ... [Continua a leggere]
Gillian Anderson si aggiunge al cast della nuova serie tv NBC Hannibal, sul celebre serial killer portato al cinema da ‘Il silenzio degli innocenti’. L’attrice americana comparirà in diversi episodi e avrà un ruolo a dir poco intrigante: interpreterà infatti la psicanalista di Hannibal Lecter.
La serie tv Hannibal, prodotta da Bryan Fuller, è senz’altro uno dei prodotti più attesi della prossima stagione televisiva. Basata sui romanzi di Thomas Harris, narrerà del complesso rapporto tra l’agente dell’FBI Will Graham, interpretato da Hugh Dancy, e lo psichiatra forense Hannibal Lecter, che avrà il volto di Mads Mikkelsen.La prima stagione del telefilm, che si comporrà di 13 episodi, prende infatti spunto dalla trama di ‘Red Dragon’, su cui già è stato fatto un film con protagonisti Anthony Hopkins ed Edwar ... [Continua a leggere]