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AGGIORNAMENTO: guardate il primo video di Mulder e Scully dal set di XF2 del 20/01/2008
Source: 20th Century Fox
20th Century Fox has provided ComingSoon.net with four new photos of David Duchovny as Special Agent Fox Mulder and Gillian Anderson as Special Agent Dana Scully in Fox's The X Files 2, coming to theaters on July 25.
The film will dump the long-running "mythology" plotline — that aliens live among us and are part of a colonizing effort. "We spent a lot of time on (the mythology) and wrapped up a lot of threads" when the show went off the air in 2002, Chris Carter, creator of the series and director of the new movie, told the USA Today "We want a stand-alone movie, not a mythology conspiracy one."

FONTE: Coming Soon
NOTA A MARGINE: Ditemi se la prima foto non vi ricorda questa, 15 anni fa!

Carter Talks X-Files
UK, January 17, 2008 - Chris Carter has given his first interview about the upcoming X-Files movie sequel, with the show's creator confirming previous rumours that the new film would have a standalone plot separate from the long-running 'mythology' plotline.
He told USA Today: "We spent a lot of time on [the mythology] and wrapped up a lot of threads [when the show went off the air in 2002]. We want a stand-alone movie, not a mythology conspiracy one."
Carter, who is also on directing duties, says he hopes the new movie will introduce the show's eponymous stars - maverick FBI agents Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) - to a new generation. "There's a whole audience I want to introduce The X-Files to," he explained. "There were kids who couldn't watch it on TV because it was too scary. Now they're in college. I wanted a movie that everyone could go to."
So expect a plot resembling one of the show's "monster of the week" standalone episodes - which often featured ghosts, mutants and other supernatural phenomenon.
Another aspect of the project Carter seems keen to emphasise is the relationship between the show's two leads. He said: "For me, The X-Files has always been a romance. They had an intellectual romance that's very rare and restrained compared to so many relationships on TV. I think that's what appealed most to the fans. And they're back."
The as-yet-unnamed X-Files sequel is currently set to be released in the U.S. on July 25 and August 1 in the U.K.
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