Archivio Stampa David Duchovny

Inside ‘The X-Files’

VANCOUVER, B.C. – So this is where sewer monsters lurk. Vampires, too. Not to mention aliens, mutants and – scariest of all – shadowy government figures. Here is where FBI Special Agents Dana Scully and Fox Mulder chase down the bizarre, the grotesque and the sinister in an ever-frustrated attempt to uncover The Truth about paranormal phenomena and government conspiracies. “Here,” of course, doesn’t really exist. Except in the surreal parallel world of television. And in the minds of millions of fans worldwide who have turned “The X-Files ... [Continua a leggere]

Sei episodi in cassetta a ruba negli USA. I misteri di 'X Files'

LOS ANGELES - I misteri paranormali degli X Files televisivi si insinuano nel mercato dell'home video con una prima collezione di tre cassette masterizzate digitalmente contenenti sei episodi della prima stagione - compreso quello pilota in cui gli agenti Mulder e Scully (David Duchovny e Gillian Anderson) si incontrano per la prima volta - oltre a numerose scene originali mai viste in televisione perché troppo violente per il piccolo schermo. La prima cassetta, intitolata The Unopened file, è stata lanciata sul mercato americano il 29 marzo dalla Fox Home Entertainment; il 4 apr ... [Continua a leggere]

'Non facciamo horror ma mettiamo paura'

LOS ANGELES - Iniziata due anni fa come un esperimento di metafisica applicata al "prime time" televisivo, la serie The X-Files ha conquistato il pubblico americano al di là di ogni aspettativa. Gli X-Files del titolo si riferiscono ai casi dell' Fbi archiviati come irrisolvibili o inspiegabili. I protagonisti della serie, David Duchovny nei panni dell' agente Fox Mulder e Gillian Anderson in quelli della collega Dana Scully, recitano come affetti da sonnambulismo tentando di risolvere il paranormale e sconfiggere i "mostri della ragione". Finora non c' è mai stato un "happy endi ... [Continua a leggere]


David Duchovny is not happy. He stands behind Gillian Anderson in a barebones photo studio, resigned to having roll after roll of pictures taken on what promises to be another 16-hour day. Now that The X-Files has been crowned with a Golden Globe for best drama and is emerging from cult status to become a mainstream hit, the world is descending upon Vancouver, British Columbia, where the Fox series is shot and in all the X-citement, everyone wants a piece of the costars. Anderson, sensing Duchovny's mood, looks down at his hand on her left shoulder and tries to brush it away, as if it were a ... [Continua a leggere]

No Wonder He's Called Fox

David Duchovny: TV's new heartthrob -- Thanks to a teeny red bikini, the sexy ''X-Files'' star is hottest thing on the small screen

''You're not going to try to take a shower with me, are you?'' David Duchovny wants to know. ''We can go swimming together, but I'm showering by myself afterwards. Understood?'' The ground rules thus established, the X-Files star invites a visiting reporter to join him for a dip at the public park in Vancouver where the actor paddles a mile almost every morning before heading to the set of his hit TV series. Arriving poolside at 11 a.m. sharp, Duchovny, 35, drops his jeans and offers his guest a journalistic coup. ''I decided to wear the same swimsuit I wore on the show,'' he announces. ''Th ... [Continua a leggere]


North Shore Film Studios, Vancouver Nord, Canada. La linea d’ombra passa da queste parti. Ma cosa avrà a che fare una tranquilla e boscosa città in perfetto stile americano con le vertigini senza fine, le aperture verso mondi paralleli o la metà oscura che alberga in ciascuno di noi? Insomma, con tutto l’armamentario irrazional-immaginifico di “X-files”, il telefilm più in voga del momento? Le cime innevate delle montagne racchiudono Vancouver in uno scenario da cartolina, ma qui la realtà può solo virare verso l’orrore a ... [Continua a leggere]

A Surreal ‘X-Files’ Captures Earthlings! Poltergeists, Space Aliens and Mutants Feed Show’s Hold on Younger Audience

VANCOUVER, B.C. – Deep in an industrial district here, the dank interior of a closed-down nightclub has been gutted and refitted with black plastic, chain link and neon lights for an episode of Fox’s sexy, surreal TV series, “The X-Files.” Detached mannequin limbs protrude from darkened walls to create disturbing images. The seedy, smoke-filled space is supposed to resemble a Hollywood Boulevard nightclub–the hangout for a contemporary coven of grunge vampires. These creatures of the night fall under the purview of the X-Files, which are the dumping ground for un ... [Continua a leggere]

Creepy, Smart “X-Files” Inspires A Cult Following

This must be it. Monday morning. Los Angeles. The 20th Century Fox lot. A little bungalow in the corner. Unmarked, hard to find. One of the writers here is leaving for the day: A mysterious computer virus has invaded his machine, nobody can track it down. A casting director enters. Says one of his two dogs inexplicably disappeared from his locked house over the week-end, then reappeared at the back door 36 hours later. Yeah, it makes sense that this is where they put together “The X-Files”. The Friday night show is Fox TV’s underhyped successor to “The Outer Limits,&rd ... [Continua a leggere]

X marks stardom

NYPD Blue’s David Caruso is clearly TV’s poster boy of the season. But for viewers who like their leading men darkly rebellious, consider David Duchovny as UFO-obsessed FBI agent Fox Mulder of The X-Files. Duchovny has the looks, the wit, the haircut. And he plays Mulder, a true believer in extraterrestrials and government cover-ups, with an understated intensity that is magnetic. The character single-mindedly probes unexplained cases – X files – the FBI and certain shadowy government figures would rather he and fellow agent Dana Scully (costar Gillian Anderson) drop. ... [Continua a leggere]

Fox’s ‘X-Files’: Otherworldly Entertainment

Let’s say you’re a serious actress, steeped in theater training. What do you do for a living? Well, Gillian Anderson spends some time seeing and not seeing UFO’s. She and her “X-Files” partner pretended to see them together for one episode in the wee hours of the morning. “It was, like, 2 o’clock in the morning and we were standing on this hill and it was kind of drizzling,” Anderson groans. “And we both had to synchronize our eyes with the way the UFO’s would eventually be moving . . . We stood there for God knows how long.” ... [Continua a leggere]

Different approaches to suspense and horror

One show is hailed for its finely honed subtlety, the other is famed for its Grand Guignol gore. Back to back, the way they’ll air tomorrow night, “The X-Files” and “Tales from the Crypt” offer intriguingly different approaches to suspense and horror – under-the-edge and over-the-top. When you talk about series that could only be shown on cable TV – the sort of signature fare that pay-cable built its reputation and audience on – HBO’s “Tales from the Crypt” goes to the top of the list. Consistently (and deservedly) one of the h ... [Continua a leggere]

Fox hopes skeptics come to believe in ‘The X-Files’

On any other network, The X-Files would be long gone. Yes, there has been an avalanche of critical praise, but the ratings have been lower than a snake’s belly. According to the latest Nielsen ratings, the series that straddles the suspense and science-fiction genre line was ranked fourth from the bottom. But Fox Broadcasting considers The X-Files (Fridays at 8 p.m. on KBVO, Channel 42 Cable 5) a success. That’s because it delivers the young audience that advertisers covet and because the show has a loyal core audience that includes a lot of well-to-do and highly educated people. ... [Continua a leggere]

Cult hit asks ‘Why not?’

Genetically engineered twins. A psychopath who starts fires with his mind. Aliens inside human hosts. The latest edition of the National Enquirer? Tomorrow’s ‘Geraldo’? Nope, it’s just another Friday night on ‘The X-Files,’ a 4-month-old Fox series that is developing a loyal cult following faster than you can say ‘Twin Peaks.’ ‘X-Files’ targets other worlds And no wonder Network TV doesn’t get much weirder than this mystery-thriller-drama that’s one part ‘Twilight Zone,’ one part ‘Silence of the Lambs& ... [Continua a leggere]

Duchovny’s strange encounter of the Fox kind

David Duchovny normally spends his time in Vancouver, British Columbia, where Fox’s creepy cult hit The X-Files is filmed. But this is Christmastime, and Fox likes its stars to get into the holiday spirit. Duchovny was called down to the Fox lot to shoot promotions of him and co-star Gillian Anderson exchanging gifts. On The X-Files, Duchovny plays an FBI agent who investigates paranormal phenomena. He often looks through a telescope in his search for alien beings. So, on the Fox promo, he’s looking through the scope, but the only out-of-towner he finds is Kris Kringle. Ah, to w ... [Continua a leggere]

Fox’s ‘X-Files’ makes contact with a Friday-night audience

They are out there, watching, trying to make contact. Chris Carter suspected this even before he created “The X-Files,” his Friday-night Fox drama about a pair of special-assignment FBI agents exploring all manner of unexplained phenomena, everything from alien abductions to abominable snowmen. But now Carter knows for sure. He has spoken to them, received their messages. He has seen them with his very own eyes. “They are credible, sane, believable people,” Carter is saying, talking about the thousands of X-Filophiles who have latched onto the show in its first few mon ... [Continua a leggere]



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