Archivio Stampa David Duchovny

Scully and Mulder's X-cellent Adventure - Gillian Anderson

Details - Giugno 1998

For five years, they have fought mutant sewer dwellers, seven-foot she-beasts, and chain-smoking double agents. Now, have alien forces finally taken possession of Scully and Mulder? Rob Tannenbaum goes to the set of the X-Files Movie and investigates the conspiracy surrounding the conspiracy.

Gillian Anderson looks like hell. She's as pale as a mime-school applicant, her delft-blue eyes are underlined with dark blurs, her red hair is as filthy as a mud puddle. She looks like someone you'd see being shoved into a van on Cops. Anderson has to look like this, though, because Dana Scully has just seen as alien.“I've been through some . . . stuff, “ Anderson tells me hesitantly from inside a big parka, and that's the whole of her explanation. “Stuff “ is one of the euphemisms used on the Hollywood set of the X-Files movie, a secretive site of controlled in ... [Continua a leggere]

Moment Of Truth

Expectations are running high as the popular X-Files crosses over from TV to the big screen

HOLLYWOOD — It’s undeniable. The X-Factor truth will be out there in a few weeks. Believe no one until then. Days from now we will discover whether TV’s X-Files will become a movie hit. Opening Friday, Chris Carter’s film creation is a $60-million exercise in Star Trek-like cross-pollination, although unlike Star Trek and The Next Generation, the series is still airing. So like what’s going on? This is clear. The X-Files: Fight The Future tries to exploit what makes the series popular. That would be the unspoken bond between David Duchovny’s Fox ... [Continua a leggere]

Details Magazine

I’m warned about Chris Carter by Duchovny, who knows a lot about misleading exteriors. Inside Carter’s office on the Fox lot, not far away from the [movie] set, the creator of The X-Files seems calmly immune to the rigors of filmmaking. He is a handsome man, graying and shaggy-haired, sitting in an elegantly appointed, shuttered office, bowls of candy and fruit on various dark wood desks, a turquoise surfboard in a corner, an episode mapped out in index cards on a bulletin board. It could be the office of any other successful executive, except for a copy of ... [Continua a leggere]

Mulder and Scully's Make Out Session

Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny shared a red-hot kiss on the set of their movie, The X-Files: Fight the Future — but read no further if you want to preserve the surprise.

The famously platonic Mulder and Scully stop just short of smooching in the flick, but the actors took it further during filming, director Rob Bowman tells our Jeanne Wolf. "I can tell you what's not in the film is a blast," he says. "After we did six or seven takes, I said, 'Cut, print. Got it. Thank you very much.' They said, "No, we'd like to go one more time.' So they started the scene. And they got right into the drama, coming closer and closer. And then tongues came out. And then they slapped up against the wall. She drove him up against the wall. Oh, it was fabulous." But wait: It get ... [Continua a leggere]

X-Files creator bids B.C. sad adieu

The creator and executive-producer of The X-Files says it was a wrenching decision to move the popular television series to its new home in Los Angeles.

Chris Carter says he was nearly overcome with emotion when he broke the news late Friday night to his Vancouver crew, which was shooting one of the few remaining episodes of the season at a Kingsway Street motel. Carter said that, in the end, he owed it to his two stars, David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, to allow them to return to their homes after five years of working abroad. In an interview by phone from Los Angeles Sunday, Carter admitted that he had promised Duchovny and Anderson that the show would not stay in Vancouver indefinitely. Duchovny told several ... [Continua a leggere]

Saranno SeX-files?

Approda in Tv la quarta, inedita serie e cresce l’attesa per una love-story tra i due protagonisti. Tra demoni e api assassine, i due agenti del paranormale avvicinano labbra e cuori, ma rimandano al prossimo futuro il divampare della passione: l’occasione migliore (e forse l’ultima) nel segretissimo film in lavorazione.

L’ama o non l’ama? È da quattro serie che gli spettatori del telefilm “X-files” aspettano un gesto, almeno una parola che scopra il fuoco che arde sotto la cenere. L’agente Mulder, finora, si sempre negato: modi decisi, sguardo di ghiaccio, certe volte strapazza un po’ troppo la collega Scully, consapevole di non credere mai fino in fondo ai risvolti paranormali dei loro casi. A tratti i loro sguardi si incrociano, sembrano andare al di là dell’investigazione; ma sono solo attimi, prevale sempre la routine dell’indagine. Chris Cart ... [Continua a leggere]

Barbie è mia

Tempi duri per David Duchovny che non riesce ad abituarsi alla popolarità… adesso dovrà vedersela anche con un mare di bambini che, giocando col bambolotto a forma di David (presto sul mercato), penseranno di poterlo trattare come un amico di Barbie…

Ormai sembra proprio che non ci siano più dubbi, il programma televisivo che identificherà questa fine di millennio sarà The X-files. Scongiurato il pericolo che la serie finisse quest’anno, i due protagonisti David Duchovny e Gillian Anderson hanno firmato un contratto che li lega al serial dell’occulto per altre due stagioni, senza dimenticare il film tratto dalle loro avventure televisive, titolo provvisorio Fight the Future, che uscirà in Italia dopo le vacanze estive. David ha tra l’altro vinto la sua battaglia con la casa di produzione per s ... [Continua a leggere]

X-Files Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny

US Magazine

Now that 'The X-Files' has become a full-fledged hit, can co-stars David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson survive a salary dispute, tabloid headlines and each other?

It's a Golden Globe. Not a weighty one, like the statues for best drama, best actress and best actor hauled in during this year's X-Files takeover, but a gold-plated key-chain reproduction that comes gift-wrapped in a Tiffany's box and is purchased by idly rich knickknack buffs or Fox executives flush with the show's success and hellbent on sustaining a little momentum. The trinket rests in its container, which sits in David Duchovny's tidy Airstream trailer on the X-Files set. Duchovny surveys the tchotchke for a moment and then reads the accompanying card. "Dear David," he says. "We're prou ... [Continua a leggere]

Mulder e Scully sotto inchiesta

Nelle prime due serie hanno indagato su fenomeni di ordinaria “paranormalità”; nella terza hanno cercato di scoprire chi tramava alle loro spalle. Adesso i due agenti dell’Fbi dovranno cercare la verità nei frammenti del loro passato.

Villaggi di provincia dediti a omicidi di massa, alieni assassini ma, all’occorrenza, anche provvidenziali guaritori, organismi vermiformi che si annidano nel cervello, vittime ritrovate senza pigmentazione cutanea. Torna “X-files” e porta con sé il solito, inesauribile corredo di incubi e di storie ai confini della realtà. Mentre negli Stati Uniti spopola la quinta serie del “fanta-cult” e crea scandalo “Millenium”, la nuova e se possibile ancora più spaventosa serie creata da Chris Carter, dal 3 aprile su Italia 1 va in onda il q ... [Continua a leggere]

Dana e Mulder: X-files, amore e fantasia…

Gli incontri ravvicinati che vedremo nei nuovi episodi di “X-files”, trasmessi da Italia 1, non avverranno fra alieni di mondi lontano, ma saranno di tipo assolutamente “terrestre”, anzi addirittura romantici…

Romantico è il meraviglioso bacio che, a sorpresa, i due attori protagonisti della serie, David Duchovny e Gillian Anderson, nella finzione agenti speciali Fox Mulder e Dana Scully, si scambiano per la gioia o per il disappunto (a seconda dei punti di vista) dei fan della serie. Le vicende raccontate nelle nuove puntate sono come sempre ai confini della realtà, degne dell’immaginario di Stephen King, ma l’amore che Mulder manifesta per la collega Dana è reale, concreto. X-files e la love-story di Dana e Fox Fra api che uccidono e strani esseri umani con la co ... [Continua a leggere]

The Virtue of Paranoia

Rolling Stone ISSUE 754

You’d think that people who spend their time dreaming up conspiracies would have beards and wave their hands a lot when they talk. Chris Carter is placid, handsome, clean-shaven. He pauses to find the right words — the breaks can sometimes last a few seconds — and when he talks again, the words are the correct ones. It’s as though he’s rewriting as he speaks, running a kind of mental thesaurus program. “Right now I’m reading about these things called peak experiences or peak moments,” he says, speaking of future X-Files plots. &ldquo ... [Continua a leggere]

X-files riapre i vecchi casi

Gli agenti Scully e Mulder tornano con le repliche: in aprile i nuovi episodi

MILANO – Riaperti i vecchi casi di “X-files”. In attesa delle nuove puntate in onda dal 6 aprile, Italia 1 trasmette da stasera le repliche dei migliori episodi della seconda e terza serie (oggi “Lo scambio”, già visto il 22 ottobre 1995). Il fanta-telefilm, che in Italia è seguito da quasi cinque milioni di telespettatori in media, ha generato una vera e propria mania con le sue vicende incentrate su extraterrestri e fenomeni paranormali. E i protagonisti Gillian Anderson (l’agente Fbi Dana Scully) e David Duchovny (l’agente Fox Mulder) ... [Continua a leggere]

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

Chris Carter is the man behind the creepiest shows on TV: The X-Files and Millennium. Gavin Edwards crawls inside his nightmares.

Chris Carter is picking a murder weapon. He knows a lot about death and its tools, like how Glock handguns are growing more popular with detectives, or how it can be hard to tear off pieces of duct tape when you are trying to suffocate a victim quickly. But when he selects a weapon, he puts all that information aside for one consideration: how it looks. He doesn’t bother to handle the axes or the scythe, doesn’t test their weight, or experiment with how they feel in his right hand. He makes his choices quickly, collecting a pile of hand axes and a gun for good measu ... [Continua a leggere]

The X-Files Uncovered - Subject: David Duchovny

Rolling Stone ISSUE 734

EVEN IF HE DID LOOSE TO STEPHEN KING ON Celebrity Jeopardy! last year, David Duchovny remains one smart cookie. How many TV hunks do you know who went to Princeton, then grad school at Yale, and started a doctoral thesis titled Magic and Technology in Contemporary American Fiction and Poetry? The 35-year old Duchovny grew up middle-class and "half-Jewish,half-Scotish" on Manhattan's Lower East Side. His father -who wrote such books as David Ben-Gurion in His Own words and The Wisdom of Spiro T. Agnew- and his mother, a schoolteacher, divorced when he was 11. David earned a scholarship to Coll ... [Continua a leggere]

The X-Files Uncovered

Rolling Stone ISSUE 734

The truth about "The X-Files" is in here. At least I hope so. If I seem confused, suspicious or even full-out paranoid, trust me -I have reasons. From the moment I fearlessly choose to accept this assignment, strange things started happening. Unexplained things. Totally paranormal shit. First, how can I explain away the phenomenon of finding myself entranced by a show that I -and much of the Western world- initially dismissed as goofy, spooky kids' stuff? After all, The X-Files was a series that even the Fox network considered less promising than "The adventures of Brisco County Jr." The cast ... [Continua a leggere]



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