Whenever you watch an awards show, this is exactly what you want to see -- someone not only accepting defeat with joy, but having a good laugh about it in the process. At the 2011 BAFTA Awards, Gillian Anderson (best known to American audiences for playing Scully on "The X-Files") was presenting an award for Best Actor in a Comedy after she ended up losing an award in her own category. The end result? Hilarity. First, she decided to give a shout-out to her designer -- who also happens to be her friend. Then, she preceded to poke fun at herself for losing the award. Finally, she clos ... [Continua a leggere]
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Nostalgia canaglia: le repliche di X-Files sui canali Sky ci riportano indietro. Scully. La chiamiamo tutti così, per nome, come tutte le migliori eroine del filone poliziesco, perché il nome è troppo confidenziale, e comunque il suo compagno di sempre la chiama per cognome, non "Dana". Questo lo sappiamo perché li abbiamo visti attraversare insieme sette stagioni e spiccioli. Nelle ultime due lui non c'era, lei sì, e forse per questo - oltre che per gli ovvi motivi di identificazione di genere - quando pensiamo a X-Files pensiamo a lei. O almeno ci penso io ... [Continua a leggere]
13 Questions for X-Files Writer and Producer Frank Spotnitz
Hardly any other series left such a profound impression on the 90s like the sci-fi cult show The X-Files. Not only did it win an incredible amount of awards, attracted a huge fan following and led to two movies, but it also influenced the way stories are told on the small and the big screen. Even today many shows continue to cite The X-Files in one way or another: Be it LOST, Bones, House M.D. or Fringe – just take your pick. And if everything goes according to plan and the optimism of many fans, a third movie should hit screens next year – after all the complex mythology about a ... [Continua a leggere]

BEST CITY: London. I love everything about it - the weather, the architecture, the theatres, its international film community, its multiculturalism, its green spaces, its attitude and its proximity to the rest of the world. BEST CO-STAR: It's terrible to have to narrow it down, but I'll say Donald Sutherland, my co-star in Moby Dick. We had only one scene together, where he gave a long sermon to a crowd and my character interrupts him. It was enough for him to win my heart between every take with his charm, his intimate accounts of experience in the business and his undying love for his wife. ... [Continua a leggere]

Fame came early to Gillian Anderson, but this Hollywood émigrée is happier as a Victorian madam than she was as a sci-fi pin-up
It’s a cold, wet, early morning on “Blue Monday", supposedly the most depressing day of the year, at a photographic studio in a cul de sac next to a decrepit garage in Dalston, east London, and I'm awaiting the arrival of a 5ft 3in, twice married mother of three, a once world-famous television star whose conversation has been likened to “wrestling with a crocodile". Oh dear. She’s also posed in knickers for a lads’ mag, been voted the world’s sexiest woman, won an Olivier nomination for her performance as Nora in Ibsen’s The Doll's House, and a Bafta n ... [Continua a leggere]

The work of Scully and Mulder remains influential. Six Flms being released this season exhibit shades of 'The X Files.'
There's a strange confluence of sciencefiction movies being released this season - six otherwordly films in six weeks. What's behind this phenomenon? A little investigation shows that although TV's "The X-Files" went off the air in 2002, the truth may be still out there - and we're not just talking about the flashlights and lab coats inherited by Fox's "Fringe." These half-dozen films might all be filed under X in one way or another. Consider:"The Adjustment Bureau"(March 4) The mysterious puppet-master of this well reviewed sci-fi/thriller quietly tend to the course of human history and ... [Continua a leggere]

'My worst job? The X-Files pilot'
Gillian Anderson, 42, was born in Chicago but spent most of her childhood in London. She attended the Theatre School at DePaul University in Chicago and, at 24, was cast as Agent Scully in the television series The X-Files. Her films include A Cock And Bull Story and The Last King Of Scotland. In 2006 she won a Bafta for her role as Lady Dedlock in the BBC's adaptation of Bleak House, and last year she was nominated for an Olivier Award for the role of Nora in Ibsen's A Doll's House at the Donmar. She stars in the BBC's new mini series, The Crimson Petal & The White. When were you happies ... [Continua a leggere]
Per DIALOGHI IN CORSO tavola rotonda dal titolo VIAGGI NELLA SERIALITA’: X-Files, Lost, Fringe. Una certa tendenza della fantascienza. L’incontro, in collaborazione con il DAMS, Università di Torino e il Gruppo cinematografico universitario Gli Ultracorpi, verterà sul genere fantascientifico seriale. La fantascienza è un genere da sempre molto affascinante, che da sempre ha attratto i desideri e le paure della gente. Il suo successo le ha consentito di attraversare diverse forme di comunicazione, dalla letteratura,alla radio, ai fumetti, al cinema alla tele ... [Continua a leggere]

The onetime 'X-Files' star portrays Wallis Simpson, the woman who caused a king to abdicate, in the 'Masterpiece Classic' miniseries 'Any Human Heart.'
Gillian Anderson returns to American television Sunday night as Wallis Simpson in the "Masterpiece Classic" miniseries "Any Human Heart," based on William Boyd's sweeping novel of one man's life spanning the 20th century. The PBS series, also starring Matthew Macfadyen, Jim Broadbent, Hayley Atwell and Kim Cattrall, runs through Feb. 27.Wallis Simpson seems to be everywhere these days. She's also a character in "The King's Speech," although your portrayal of her in "Any Human Heart" was very different. She seems like less of a siren and more of a monster.I don't know about monster. I think she ... [Continua a leggere]

E’ un David Duchovny raggiante e in ottima forma quello che ci si è presentato davanti martedì scorso a New York, al Lucille Lortel Theatre, dopo lo spettacolo “The Break of Noon”, in programmazione fino al prossimo 22 Dicembre (per info www.mcctheater.org). Nello spettacolo David Duchovny interpreta il protagonista dell’ultima opera di Neil LaBute, John Smith, unico sopravvissuto ad una sparatoria, che costretto a fare i conti con questo drammatico evento tenta di dare una svolta positiva alla sua vita e a quella degli altri. John Smith è inf ... [Continua a leggere]

Mother, actress, rebel and chilli-chocolate enthusiast Gillian Anderson explains why - at last - she has reached a point in her life where she can relax.
When Gillian Anderson was 24, she was busy carving out a successful career as a theatre actress. Then a script for a new drama about supernatural conspiracies landed in her lap. Having sworn she'd never do a TV show, she fell in love with sceptical FBI agent Dana Scully and took the role, expecting it to run for a few episodes. The X-Files took off in a way no one could have imagined, catapulting Anderson and co-star David Duchovny to worldwide fame. There were awards, adulation and 'sexiest woman' accolades. The enormous success of the show caused a tabloid frenzy, with exposes claiming Ander ... [Continua a leggere]

We knew we’d get to see Agent Mulder in the flesh on Monday when we attended former X-Files star David Duchovny’s theatrical debut in the Off Broadway production of Neil LaBute’s The Break of Noon, about a man who survives an office shooting and finds God. But what we didn’t expect was to see Agent Scully (a.k.a. Gillian Anderson) by his side in the intensely crowded opening-night after-party. We grabbed them for a hot three minutes in between their mingling with old friends Ben Stiller, Garry Shandling, and Duchovny’s wife, Téa Leoni. How often do you see ... [Continua a leggere]
David Duchovny talks marriage, regret and how he’s put the past behind him
Talk about moving out of your comfort zone. For his stage debut, David Duchovny chose Neil LaBute’s “The Break of Noon” — which features the former FBI Special Agent Fox Mulder in every scene of its intermissionless run. “It’s an hour and 35 minutes of me, pretty much,” Duchovny tells The Post. “Nobody can stand much more than that.” The boyish-looking 50-year-old grew up in Manhattan. He graduated from Princeton University and was well on his way to a doctorate in English lit from Yale when he started acting. After “The X-Fil ... [Continua a leggere]
Su FX torna la prima stagione di X-Files, con gli episodi che hanno trasformato le gesta di due agenti dell’FBI in un pezzo di storia della tv
“Generazione X”: una definizione molto sfruttata. Ma se c’è un caso che si presta perfettamente a tale definizione, è questo: il caso di X-Files. I telespettatori che hanno avuto la fortuna di conoscere questa serie al suo arrivo in Italia appartengono alla generazione X. Quelli che non hanno avuto questa fortuna possono recuperare: dal 6 ottobre FX ripropone le prime, indimenticabili avventure di Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) e Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson). E per noi fans di vecchia data… Repetita iuvant. La storia ormai è nota: Chris Carter, r ... [Continua a leggere]
EXCLUSIVE: The X Files star has been cast as MI7 secret agent Pamela Head in Johnny English Reborn. The Working Title film starts shooting in September. Anderson stars opposite Rowan Atkinson, reprising his turn as the buffoonish spy. She’s represented by CAA and Independent Talent in London. ... [Continua a leggere]