Archivio Stampa 2008

Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny - The Vegas Film Critic

GA: (referring to the interviewer's shirt) no actually you made a really nice design over there.Vegas:: Oh I did?! Are we going? Oh I'm sorry we are rolling. DD: We are almost done.Vegas: We are almost done. Great movie. *GA laughs* alright so what brought you two back together? Did you ever think it was gonna happen. It's been what, six years since the last film?DD: Yes. No, actually 10 years since the last film, 6 years since the show ended. Yeah I always, at the back of my mind, thought we'd do another movie, at least another movie, yeah. Vegas: And it was probably based on a script right? ... [Continua a leggere]

David Duchovny and Chris Carter - FOX News

Voiceover: It's been six years since the hit FOX show went black, ten years since its first movie debut, but Mulder and Scully are reopening The X-Files, the new sci-fi thriller, I Want to Believe.DD: It was always the only way to continue the show, if we wanted to. I think we all wanted to, we all loved the frame of the show and the show. It just became, after 8, 9 years, the television show had run its course. We didn't want the show to end, so it was natural to make movies every now and then of it. Voiceover: A psychic claims to have the knowledge of the fate of kidnap victims, leaving the ... [Continua a leggere]

Kirk's close encounter with 'The-X Files'

BEVERLY HILLS - Gillian Anderson says getting back into Dana Scully's character for The X-Files: I Want to Believe was harder than she expected."It was a little odd," Anderson told 9NEWS Entertainment Reporter Kirk Montgomery during a visit to California. "It was more disconcerting than I anticipated. I expected it to be a breeze. But I tried so hard since the series ended to do things as different as possible from the character.""When I was faced with making acting decisions on that character again, my brain started backfiring and internally combusting," she said.Anderson, who is pregnant wit ... [Continua a leggere]

'X Files' to Sex Files

Voiceover: You can call it “The Sex Files.Extra: It’s like, “wait a minute they are in bed together!”DD: And he’s got a beard!Extra: You shave it, as any man in a relationship would.DD: She didn’t want to have sex, that’s why.Voiceover: Yep, David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson finally consummate their celebrated screen relationship in the new X-Files movie. They both told Carlos Diaz they couldn’t wait for their sexy reunion in The X-Files: I Want to Believe.GA: The thought of jumping back into bed, so to speak, together, was… maybe I shou ... [Continua a leggere]

Gillian Anderson, David Duchovny, Chris Carter - TV Guide Channel interview

TV Guide: All your fans of diabolical, creepy sci-fi series, you know you are out there, the new X-Files movie is just days away. Hollywood 411's Mark sat down with stars David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson. But Mark's not so sure what's creepier: the movie or Gillian's story about David. TV Guide: After working together for more than 200 episodes of the series and the original X-Files movie, just how hard was it for Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny to rediscover Scully and Mulder?DD: It's familiar and strange you know. At first you think, oh it's going to be easy, I did this for almost a d ... [Continua a leggere]

Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny - 9News

9News: As everyone know by now, I went to Los Angeles on Friday to interview the stars of The X-Files. Now in the interest of full disclosure, 20th Century FOX did pay my way. Now here’s the deal: I saw the movie on Friday night, then I got to interview the stars on Saturday. Now I didn’t know till I got there, I only had 4 minutes! 4 minutes to interview Mulder and Scully! Four! Anyway, here’s a look at my interviews.*clip from trailer*CC: The show’s impact and its fanbase are still strong. It’s really the reason we made the movie is that the hardcore fans keep t ... [Continua a leggere]

Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny - IESB

IESB: First of all, congratulations, it’s good to see you back on the big screen together, that’s awesome. I’m a huge X-Files fan, so that’s pretty cool. How easy was it for you guys to get back into character, to get back into this world? Was there time where you guys hesitated to really come back aboard?DD: There was no time when we hesitated to say yes to the movie, but there was certain hesitation to starting perform the guy again, and that didn’t go away until I was able to do a scene with Gillian, and we were Mulder and Scully, and that was really when the m ... [Continua a leggere]

Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny - Australian Sunrise

Male host: He believes in aliens, she’s a skeptic, but together FBI Agents Mulder and Scully work on The X-Files to take a crack at paranormal phenomenon.Woman host: Well 10 years after the TV series and the first movie release, The X-Files are back with a sequel, The X-Files: I Want to Believe is out this Thursday, and Nelson Aspen caught up with stars David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson. Take a Look.NA: When you read the script for this edition of The X-Files, were you surprised by it?DD: Well I knew it was going to be a stand-alone, which was right and smart because it’s been si ... [Continua a leggere]

An X-Files Secret Revealed, Only to Disappear

Producers of the new X-Files film, I Want to Believe, have gone to great lengths to keep major plot points a secret, and now it seems as if they're getting a little other-worldly help. Exclusive, one-on-one interview tapes in which Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny explicitly confirm a belief held by many of the show's fans — but never officially admitted in the show or the first movie — that Mulder and Scully had a baby named William, have mysteriously disappeared, leaving only low-resolution, digital dubs as proof that they ever existed. The inter ... [Continua a leggere]

Chris Carter and Frank Spotnitz Interview - THE X-FILES: I Want to Believe

As most of you know, opening this Friday is “The X-Files: I Want to Believe.” Since I’m under embargo….I can’t write anything on the film or even what the movies about. Sorry. That being said, I can post what Fox supplied me…In grand The X-Files tradition, the film's storyline is being kept under wraps, known only to top studio brass and the project's principal actors and filmmakers. This much can be revealed: The supernatural thriller is a stand-alone story in the tradition of some of the show's most acclaimed and beloved episodes, and takes the alwa ... [Continua a leggere]

David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson Interview - THE X-FILES: I Want to Believe

As most of you know, opening this Friday is “The X-Files: I Want to Believe.” Since I’m under embargo….I can’t write anything on the film or even what the movies about. Sorry. That being said, I can post what Fox supplied me… In grand The X-Files tradition, the film's storyline is being kept under wraps, known only to top studio brass and the project's principal actors and filmmakers. This much can be revealed: The supernatural thriller is a stand-alone story in the tradition of some of the show's most acclaimed and beloved episodes, and takes th ... [Continua a leggere]

Gillian Anderson In The Latest X-Files Movie

Gillian Anderson returns in the latest X-files movie – along with the skepticism, brilliance and strong personality. In “The X-Files: I Want To Believe,” Anderson reprises her role as Agent Dana Scully – together with David Duchovny as Agent Fox Mulder where they face the most challenging investigation of their careers. This time, as they uncover more and more about the case, it becomes clear that it is grim and gruesome – human but also inhumane. They are embarking on a journey that tests them as individuals and puts their relationship with each other to ... [Continua a leggere]

Why Billy Connolly's latest role is no laughing matter

The comedian explains why playing a tortured Catholic priest in the next X-Files movie won't make us laugh

He is a famous comedian, but there is nothing funny about Billy Connolly's latest role: he plays a tortured Catholic priest in The X-Files: I Want To Believe. "There are no laughs at all, which is brilliant," says Connolly gleefully. "Father Joe is very disturbed, very dark. Doing a drama like this is a joy; you get to use your body in a different way, you get to use your eyes. I love playing dark characters, the darker the better, the more disturbed he is, the happier I get." He fixes me with menacing eyes. "The most worrying thing is that the darker the character, the easier I find i ... [Continua a leggere]

Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny - CBS The Early Show

Julie Chen (CBS host): Batman fans are loving the Dark Knight, now the fans of Agents Scully and Mulder get to have their turn. The new X-Files movie opens this Friday, 6 years after the show went off the air. People magazine executive editor and The Early Show entertainment contributor Jesse Cagle spoke with both David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, right?Jesse Cagle (JC): Both of them, right. And believe it or not, this is David and Gillian’s first broadcast interview together in a decade. Now the film’s plot, particularly the relationship between the film’s two characters ... [Continua a leggere]

Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny - ET Interview

GA: It felt great. I was really looking forward to it, the first time we kinda came together on it was a read through which we did, which was the second time…DD: There was a picture in an article somewhere.GA: Yeah yeah.DD: In a magazine…GA: Of all of us sitting at the table. DD: It’s funny.GA: It is funny. We met at Chris’ house and sat down, and read the script together. It was kinda emotional. In fact Chris teared up a little.DD: Yep, Chris was crying so.GA: It was… It was something he had wanted to do for a long time, there was many times when it looked lik ... [Continua a leggere]



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